Farheen from USA

Pharmacist Farheen believes she has suffered from Lyme disease and its associated co-infections for 18 years, though she was only diagnosed five years ago. As soon as she knew what she was up against, the New Yorker actively sought treatment both in America and Europe and she was able to declare herself Lyme free in 2018. However, due to the severity of her co-infections, Farheen’s health began to drastically deteriorate after a short hiatus, and that is when she reached out to Neomed.

“Being in healthcare myself I know how important it is; the word care,” Farheen said. “Generally, people are nice when they are providing care, but one thing I absolutely love about Neomed is that each and every staff member here is very caring and they go above and beyond.”

To hear more about Farheen’s journey, watch her testimonial below.

And if you want to learn more about our treatments for Lyme disease and its relevant co-infections, contact us by email at info@neomedguest.org or call us on +35725259988.
