FDA Clears CT Scanners for Cardiovascular Assessments

Arineta proudly claims that the SpotLight systems are the latest addition to their legacy of clinical innovation (


Arineta’s CEO, Scott Schubert, emphasizes the company’s vision, stating, “Our vision is to grow cardiac CT as the front-line non-invasive test for diagnosing, therapy planning, and monitoring of cardiovascular disease, the number one cause of death and healthcare costs worldwide.”

SpotLight Duo: Elevating Cardiac Imaging

In addition to the SpotLight system, Arineta introduces the SpotLight Duo, which takes cardiovascular imaging to the next level. This advanced technology provides whole organ acquisition with 4D imaging, enabling enhanced visualization of vascular flow and organ motion.


With 45 cm high-resolution scans, the SpotLight Duo facilitates comprehensive cardiothoracic CT assessments, covering a range of conditions, from lung cancer and COVID-19 to other pulmonary diseases.

With FDA clearance now in place, the SpotLight and SpotLight Duo CT scanners are poised to empower healthcare professionals with advanced tools for cardiovascular assessments.

These cutting-edge scanners aim to enhance the accuracy, efficiency, and effectiveness of diagnosing and monitoring cardiovascular diseases, marking a significant advancement in the field of cardiac care.

Reference :

  1. FDA Clears First Major Imaging Device Advancement for Computed Tomography in Nearly a Decade – (https:www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-clears-first-major-imaging-device-advancement-computed-tomography-nearly-decade)

Source: Medindia

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