February 14, 2024 – Daily Recap – Trying my hand at editing, but don't get used to it…

I track several things each day so I can go back later and see trends in my production.
I feel it’s important to track not only the amount of sleep I got the night before
but the quality of that sleep as well.

Overall, Today was A Pretty Bad Day
I got 7.5 hours of sleep last night.
Out of a scale from 1-5, (with 1 being terrible and 5 being fantastic), last night’s sleep was a 4.

My GOALS for today were:
Record Daily Video
Inbox LZ – Ebook
Inbox LZ – Course
Go to the Gym

But, what I ACTUALLY got done was:
Recorded Daily Video
Created the outline for a 12 week email sequence

So that meant today was pretty unproductive.

My biggest distractions today were:
Work, Family, There was a shooting at the KC Chiefs parade and I watched the news

I had to work later than I was hoping, our daughter had a basketball game, our son had to be picked up from play practice, and I got caught up watching the news… oh, and it’s Valentine’s day… so, I only had about an hour to do anything with the Recon To Revenue business.

So, I spent that time creating an outline for a 12-week email sequence that will also have videos, blog posts, and probably courses created in conjunction to them. I am trying to plan out content in a way that allows me to use it multiple times and cover various different avenues. Be more efficient…

I still did some editing on the video, but not as much.


I am doing all of this to try and build a better life for my family and myself. I am hopeful that you
are getting something out of these videos as well. If nothing else, I am hopeful you are at least finding inspiration
to try and live that dream of yours that you have been putting off.
Look, I get it. I’ve doubted myself… and still do… but, I am here to show you that you CAN do it!
You CAN find pockets of time throughout your day to work on and build your dream! You CAN learn the skills to make it happen!

I believe in you!
I am rooting for your success!
I am on your side!
I am proud of you!!

Let’s go out and make our dreams come true!


Be sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE, if you haven’t already.
It helps tell me and YouTube that you want more of this content.

Thank you for watching!

My Other YouTube Channels:
@OurFoundingFodder – AI-created silliness
@MellowMammals – Health and wellness information for our CBD pet business.


I also have a CBD pet products business. If you have a dog or cat that needs a little natural help dealing with the daily aches and stresses of life, then Mellow Mammals can help! Our CBD oils are made from USA organically-grown hemp and are fully tested, THC-FREE, and designed specifically for pet use.

Enjoy 10% your entire order with this link:
