Fruits Prevent the Onset of Type 2 Diabetes

says Dr Nicola Bondonno from ECU’s Institute for Nutrition Research and lead author of the study.

(blood sugar). Type 2 diabetes occurs when your body doesn’t sufficiently produce/utilize a hormone made by the pancreas called

(which allows glucose from food to get into your body cells for energy).

The glycated haemoglobin (A1C – measures average blood sugar level for the past two to three months) test is a commonly preferred method to diagnose type 2 diabetes. There are many undetected type 2 diabetes cases that expose them to an increased risk for several serious conditions, such as cardiovascular disease (which may result in heart attacks and strokes).

Freshness is the Key

The study team analyzed data from 7,675 Australians participating in the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute’s AusDiab Study to evaluate the prevalence of diabetes after five years among those who consumed fruit and fruit juice.

It was seen that people who consumed whole fruit had higher insulin sensitivity and a lower risk of diabetes when compared to those who had fruit juice intake. Thus, the fruit benefits out served that of fruit juice, most probably because fruit juices are much higher in sugar and lower in fiber. However, the author states that the exact reason for higher insulin sensitivity offered by the fruits remains unclear and could be multifaceted.

Since fruits are a storehouse of vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals (may increase insulin sensitivity), and fiber along with a lower glycemic index, they serve in controlling the slow release of sugar into the blood and rendering a sense of fullness for a greater time.

Health Benefits of Fruits

Fruits are deemed as “health promoters” with numerous benefits:

  • Regulate the functioning of the digestive system and prevent irritable bowel syndrome
  • Lower the risk of heart disease and stroke
  • Reduce high blood pressure (hypertension)
  • Prevent eye diseases like cataracts and macular degeneration
  • Protect against various diseases like cancer
  • Help in losing weight

“Wholemeal bread makes larger feces than refined bread” – Hippocrates.
Hence it is urged to combine fruits in the daily plate for a healthy life!

Managing Type 2 Diabetes

The following methods may aid in managing blood sugar levels and also delay/prevent complications apart from consuming a healthy diet rich in fibers and vegetables


  1. Associations Between Fruit Intake and Risk of Diabetes in the AusDiab Cohort: Nicola P Bondonno et al: The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2021.
  2. National Diabetes Statistics Report, 2020 – (
  3. What is Diabetes? – (
  4. Vegetables and Fruits – (
  5. Health Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables – (

Source: Medindia

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