Good Health 101 Part 1A

Good Health 101 Part 1A

Mind, Body and Finances… How it Fits Together. Nutrition drives health and our sense of wellness, our energy during the day and the improvements in finance we desire to attain. The zoom call opens with prayer offered for those who have asked for our prayers, need our prayers or have no one to pray for them.

Discussions on the zoom call center on 3 states of being…1.) Joy and Wellness
2.) Fight and the 3rd.) Flight. The call continues to discuss fight or flight states of feelings and their ramifications to health and the negative affects they have on restorative sleep. How the fight and flight feelings cause us paralysis and trauma.

Fight and flight states can cause sympathetic overdrive, post traumatic stress disorder and a constant state of stress. A constant state of stress causes oxygen depletion, disease and nervous system burnout with depletion in neurotransmitters as well as receptors in our endocannabinoid secondary nervous system. When Hemp was grown years ago naturally occurring endocannabinoids were prevalent in all our food sources. Decades after the illegalization of Hemp, endocannabinoids are almost non-existent in our food supply.

Now CBD can restore the missing endocannabinoids our bodies require to be healthy. Pure CBD will naturally alleviate anxiety, depression and improve sleep and overall health and pain management.

Overcoming the lack of nutrition and bad news our minds and bodies are barraged with daily. Part 2 focuses more on CBD and Collagen which is a building block in our cells throughout our bodies.
