Happy 420 Everyone, In the News Today April 20, 2022 By My420Spot com

Hello and Happy Four Twenty everyone. It’s going to be an amazing day here in Denver, Co. Temps are in the low 70s, and sunny today. What are your plans for the day? Let us know in the comments. Like the video and subscribe to the channel.

There are a lot of things going on here in Denver today, Red Rocks have PEPPER & METHOD MAN & REDMAN performing tonight.
The Mile High 420 Festival, is at Civic Center Park today. Billed as “the largest 420 festivals in the world.” There are lots of events today here and in your city where possible. Have a safe lit day.

And in the news today April 20, 2022. The Top Things To Know:

The Missouri House Rules – Legislative Oversight Committee approved a GOP-led marijuana legalization bill, which now heads to a floor vote.

On the first anniversary of the House approving his standalone marijuana banking bill, Rep. Ed Perlmutter (D-CO) sent a letter asking Senate leaders to pass the legislation as they continue to craft a broader legalization plan.

“We cannot let our fight for comprehensive cannabis reform stall progress this year.”

New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) acknowledged there’s a “federal hurdle” to his idea of growing marijuana on public housing rooftops—but says his administration will talk to federal agencies about getting a waiver to allow the innovative cannabis strategy.

Florida’s Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services is inviting 4th-12th grade students to brainstorm new inventions made of hemp for an essay contest.

A new poll found that three out of four South Carolina Republican primary voters support legalizing medical cannabis. The survey comes as a Senate-passed bill is on its way to the House floor.

A new study concluded that legalizing recreational marijuana is tied to “significant reductions in the volume of prescriptions…for pain, depression, anxiety, sleep, psychosis and seizures,” and that the “substitution away from prescription drugs” toward cannabis could lead to “cost savings for state Medicaid programs.”

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit heard oral arguments in cases challenging Drug Enforcement Administration hemp rules.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture published blog posts about its work to collect data about the hemp industry and how it is funding research on the crop.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) tweeted, “The vast majority of Americans support legalizing the adult use of cannabis. I’m working with @SenBooker and @RonWyden to end the federal prohibition and ensure equity for the communities most harmed by the War on Drugs. As Senate Majority Leader—this is a Senate priority.”

The House bill to decriminalize drugs got one new cosponsor for a total of 18.

Pennsylvania Republican gubernatorial candidates discussed marijuana at a debate.

Mississippi’s secretary of state issued a statement expressing concerns about a bill that grants temporary exemptions to several state laws while agencies are implementing the medical cannabis program.

Nebraska activists put out a call for “angel donors” to fund a signature-gathering drive to place medical cannabis initiatives on the ballot.

Missouri activists said they have collected more than 200,000 signatures for a marijuana legalization ballot measure, but the deadline to turn in petitions is approaching soon.

The California Senate Business, Professions, and Economic Development Committee approved a bill on interstate cannabis agreements.

The Louisiana House Health and Welfare Committee approved several medical cannabis reform bills.

Colorado representatives coauthored an op-ed criticizing a law that decolonized drug possession.

A New York assembly member tweeted, “Passing my medical psilocybin bill will go a long way in relieving the suffering that so many are facing.”

A former Indiana senator said the state should formally study legalizing marijuana.

The Oklahoma Supreme Court cleared two proposed marijuana ballot initiatives to move forward.

New Mexico regulators awarded the state’s first cannabis social consumption business license.

Alabama’s top medical cannabis regulator said it will probably be “a year or more” before products are available in dispensaries.

Vermont regulators voted to close the pre-qualification window for marijuana licenses on May 31.

An Arkansas judge ruled the regulators cannot avoid a lawsuit claiming they acted in a discriminatory manner when issuing medical cannabis business licenses.

Minnesota regulators sent a reminder about an April 30 deadline to apply for hemp cultivation and processing licenses.

There is what is going on today in the news. Have a Great Day everyone. Stay safe today and have an amazing four twenty.

Video by; My Four Twenty Spot.
