Headliner PodPod: Name That Podcast #Headliner #podcastmarketing

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In this fun podcast game episode, contestants listen to audio clips from podcast submissions and try to guess the correct title. There are laughs and friendly competition as the contestants take turns listening and guessing, with some landing on the right title and others missing the mark with made-up silly names. It’s an entertaining test of listening skills and creativity. The group has a blast and celebrates improving their scores. Tune in for the hijinks!

(00:00) Headliner plays a game called
(01:09) Our contestants for this week’s podcast
(02:24) A Conversation Piece
(06:41) Next is guess the pronunciation of their last name
(07:29) Subscribe to Pod
(09:14) Do people like to see us fail or succeed more on this pod
(09:53) Seek Travel Ride
(13:14) Meryl Streisand waited a very long time to get married
(14:39) Okay, so your three options for today are…
(16:30) Fixing famous people with Rosa and Dominic Poopa is a new podcast
(17:16) Do we need to be smoking?
(18:44) All right, Jesse, here are your three options for today’s podcast
(21:24) We have four more clips for today, so I’m leaving it up to you guys
(22:26) The Lasagna Ganja podcast
(25:51) Your three options are
(30:51) Max, here are your three options for today. None of them made sense to me
(36:19) Jesse: Three options for inspiring women leaders, business break and orange juice story
(38:03) Jesse: Inspiring women leaders is correct
(39:08) Inspiring Women’s Leaders
(41:20) All right, now that we’ve given Elissa enough time to dread answering next question
(44:52) Bluey?
