Health and Wellness Program When You Are Over 40

http://Theiss.Care What we have here… Real health and wellness solutions for people who need it. I know exactly where my clients are coming from. I feel them. I know them. I sense them.

Everyone wants to know what makes my health and wellness program so different. Why do my health and fitness programs work so fast, so dramatically, with incredible results, that changes peoples lives. How is that training program working and why are the other programs not working. The reason for that is we get down to the details.

We need to know where our clients are at. How they’re living, what’s their body chemistry, what’s their lung function, what is their body truly doing. What medications are they on, what limitations do they have, what surgeries are taking place, and how their body is either work for them or against them. We start with all that information.

We have still the most complete training facility in the country. The most focused concentrated approach to health and wellness that is out there today. The training program is structured for success. It’s structured for success from the time our clients walk in to the time they leave and even until they come back. Not only can I increase your metabolic response 30 to 50 percent above it’s normal rate. I can condition it to utilize the fat as the primary source of fuel 24hrs a day.

Plus you get the passion and years of experience of what I have being an executive health and wellness consultant. The way I systemize these health and fitness programs out. I will make a decision for my clients. Relax on your breathing a little bit more. Let your body and your diaphragm completely take over. In 30 seconds that most health and wellness consultants will take thirty days to make. I do not skip a beat. We’re going to have your body draw all this in. When I’m working on their health and fitness with them I’m 100 percent committed and connected to their chemistry. If you watch me, You’l see that. I’m not watching the television. I’m not eating. I’m not looking at the birds or the bees. I’m working, on them. That’s where the miracle is.

That’s an undertaking. The amount of time and discipline and knowledge that goes into a situation where I have to turn around and understand it from a totally different human being. To turn their health and wellness around so that these individuals have a training program for life because I am fighting for their lives. Believe me, I would not waste their time or their money or my time or my money our energy to show them simple exercise. I got better things to do than to do that. You are going to be in control of your health again and then your body will start taking orders from your again. That is the only way that change will permanently take place because it chemically has to take place and being a doctor as you are you understand the chemistry quite well.

For an individual to commit to me the time and the energy for my training program and for me to commit to them that’s how I am able to save and change so many lives. Because the day I stop focusing on their health and wellness is the day I’m walking out of here. I’ll be done as a health and wellness consultant by then. But until that point, when a person gives their heart and their soul over to me and their health and their wellness over to me. I will never let them down. It isn’t in my structure or my DNA. Remember, I love these folks.

What’s powerful about this health and wellness program, I’ve made it more available, more affordable, than ever before. I also have a online training or virtual training program. I’ve taken all the excuses out. When you are training online it doesn’t matter if you have weights, if you don’t have weights. It doesn’t matter if you are in California, Chicago, New York City, Hawaii, Africa, Australia, London, it doesn’t mater anymore. You can train online anywhere. I’ve taken all those variables out. No excuses. So that’s why my training program works.

I’m just getting started. I’ve got some good knowledge, some good experience, a little bit of wisdom, and a lot of love and I’m going to connect to those people and we are going to change the health and wellness of the world better than we’ve ever changed it before. Because those health and wellness clients out there, the past clients and the clients to come. Every single one of them is worth it. It’s time for them to have the health and wellness they have never had before in a bigger and better way and I’m going to spend the next 30 to 40 years of my life committing to them more than I’ve ever committed to them before.



TheissCare, LLC
20750 Ventura Blvd., Suite 160
Woodland Hills, CA, 91364
