Health Anxiety Symptoms: Why Do They Persist?

health anxiety symptoms

Health anxiety symptoms can make a person think that they are going crazy, feel like they are terminally ill, and make them believe that life is never on their side. I should I know, I suffered from the catastrophic perceptions over my health anxiety symptoms for close to 10 years (before I finally found a formula that actually worked).

I believe I can speak of this subject deeply and it’s vital that you have someone that you can refer to (myself) from time to time to keep up your progress. Today, I’ll be sharing with you why your health anxiety symptoms persist and what you must do about the pattern starting today.

No, this blog post is not meant to help you COPE with your health anxiety symptoms.

That’s not our goal here, never was and never will be. Our goal is to become released of these symptoms and the catastrophic mental interpretations that continue to prolong our health anxiety. This is possible for you and anyone else suffering from Hypochondria today, so let’s get into it..

Why do your health anxiety symptoms persist?

1 – Because you continue to resist them

You’ve probably heard the saying ‘what you resist persists,’ and this saying couldn’t be more true for a Hypochondriac. To resist means to push back in some way. This could either be mentally or behaviorally trying to be free of the symptom but only making them stronger as time goes on.

Resist less and disinterest will begin to creep in. What starts to happen when we don’t try to pursue immediate relief of the symptom is the threat centered interpretation made by the subconscious mind in that very moment starts turning off. It becomes replaced with safety, safety in the current environment, a future event, or a social interaction, anything basically.

Think of it like this; resist your health anxiety symptoms less and build the skill of being the witness more.

To be the witness is to be non judgmental towards them. This pulls energy away from the symptoms of health anxiety and slowly back onto the priority of your focus in your immediate environment.

2 – Because you’ve identified with them at some level

Meaning, you’ve become acquainted with your health anxiety symptoms and at some level feel a certain degree of safety when they are around. This is backwards thinking at first when you hear it. However, when you start to give this idea some deeper attention it starts to make sense. Since the conscious and unconscious patterns we continue to play out keep the health anxiety symptoms alive.

At the end of many of my YouTube videos I mention the words ‘you are more than anxiety!’ I do this for a very specific reason, to show you that what you think and feel isn’t the true you and that you must begin to dis-identify with all health anxiety elements that show up right now. It’s something you’re doing, it’s not who you are.

3 – Because you haven’t prioritized mental and physical rest yet

Many of the people I work with through my online anxiety programs are hypersensitive. Meaning, their mental and physical symptoms have become chronic due to a lifestyle that has provoked endless stress for far too long. Once rest at a mental and physical level becomes the main priority the healing from these health anxiety symptoms begin.

There is however a massive roadblock with this that must be recognized. That is the interpretation we have when not comes to rest. For most people it equals laziness, being unproductive, and spurs on guilt because at that exact time of day they would be involved in something rigorous during the day. Rest means self care and self care is a sign of self love.

There is no healing of anxiety without self love, remember that.

4 – Anxious behaviors

This is not about WHAT you do as much as it about HOW you do it. When you eat you may be distracted in some way and rushing through your meal. While talking to someone you are simply looking for your next turn to speak. During the time you are driving you’re thinking of the future rather than enjoying the present moment.

How you do what you do from one moment to the next will determine whether those nagging health anxiety symptoms persist or begin to calm. So, in essence, you must begin doing things in the way your future ‘healed’ self would do them. Following the saying ‘start with the end in mind’ will enhance your imagination in a positive sense and will have you become more aware of how you’re going about your day.

Remember, at any given moment you are either feeding your health anxiety or distancing from it based on how you do what you do.

5 – Because of daily habits that aggravate health anxiety symptoms

Rigorous exercise, video games, or late night partying may all feel like they are keeping your symptoms at bay. However, a nervous system that never at peace never has a chance to heal itself. This can also feed into the dysregulation that feeds into your anxiety disorder. These may very well be distraction methods that you’ve become much too acquainted with, and they just keep the cycle alive.

The most important approach for people that continue to engage in ‘distraction action’ is surrender. Letting go and being one with the health anxiety symptoms may feel like a foreign idea at first, or one that may not do much for overall progress. However, by following the letting go guided meditation video below you will begin losing your frantic reactions to your symptoms and become less afraid of that as time goes by…

6 – You don’t believe that the healing of your health anxiety symptoms is possible

For too long you’ve created a belief system that says ‘this will be here forever.’ This is a clever trick by your subconscious or ego mind looking to prevent change in your life out of a need to continue to protect you in some way. The opposite side of this point is that you can completely heal these symptoms and sensations.

My words must speak to you deeply, your healing depends on it.

You are not meant to suffer from health anxiety or any anxiety disorder for that matter forever. It is meant to show you which suppressed feelings are starting to boil up to the surface and come through as physical health anxiety symptoms.

The deeper our understanding becomes around this point the more our brains filter system will begin sorting for the positives rather than the negatives. This is when true and lasting mind, body and spirit healing takes place.


This blog post was not meant to motivate you since you most likely already are motivated and driven to heal this. It is meant to show you the true reasons behind your health anxiety symptoms. With these points in mind you can go forward towards your day with faith and trust that your healing is well on its way. I love you, and once again, you are more than anxiety warrior. Take good care.

Comment below on your biggest moment of clarity from this blog post and inspire your fellow warriors today.

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