Health Benefits of Consuming Sesame Oil In Routine Diet

Skin Health

Sesame oil tends to go into deep tissues. So, massaging with sesame oil can easily reach the bottom layer of the skin for nourishment and protects skin cells from UV rays, pollution, and toxins.

Keeps body Warm

The sesame oil can be effective in the winter season as it will keep your body warm and protected It is better to avoid it during the summer season as it has warming components.

Helps in Digestion

The presence of fiber in sesame oil helps in better digestion of food, bowel movement and lessen the chances of constipation.


Sesame oil has anti-inflammatory properties and helps in treating joint inflammation, toothaches and scrapes.

Improves Sleep Quality
Studies have shown that droplets of sesame oil on the forehead before sleeping can help in improving sleep quality. Insomnia can also be treated with sesame oil.

Though sesame oil has some health benefits, excess of anything can be dangerous. Hence, consumption in the right quality will do wonders for overall health as well as skin.

Source: Medindia

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