Health Innovation and Architecture: What Future Environments Bring to Workers, Patients, Wellness…

Health Innovation and Architecture: What Future Environments Bring to Workers, Patients, Wellness and Outcomes

The focus is shifting from machines and technology back to the human condition. There is a new set of design principals where the patient and staff experience will be the center of (re)focus. What tech will enable better outcomes in the home and hospital environments? Join world leading experts for thoughts and perspectives post pandemic.

Paul Barach, B.Sc. MD, MPH, Maj (ret.), Professor, Sigmund Freud University, Vienna, Austria, Honorary Professor, University of Queensland, Australia and Lecturer and Senior Advisor to Dean, Jefferson College of Population Health, USA

Nigel Edwards, Chief Executive, Nuffield Trust, UK

Tye Farrow, FRAIC, B.Arch., M.Arch.U.D., LEED AP, OAA, MAIB, Senior Partner, Farrow Partners Architects, Canada

Bill Hercules, FAIA, FACHA, FACHE, CEO, WJH Health, USA
