Health, wellness tips from nutrition coach, Rene Pothetes speaking in Tennessee

Here are health and wellness tips from nutrition coach, Rene Pothetes.

2:00 Make your health your #1 priority
3:15 Schedule everything, even your sleep
6:15 The peril of breakfast
8:00 Rene recommends these power bars
9:00 Movement and exercise
10:00 The first few minutes of your day

Join Rene’s Facebook group for ongoing tips:

This video was recorded at a Rotary Mid-South Presidents-Elect Training Seminar (PETS) in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
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When you’re motivated to be your best, the world is your oyster.

Good things such as a great job, ideal partners and prime opportunities, come to those who believe in themselves.

Self-esteem and a good strong self-concept are central to being highly motivated. It’s hard for others to believe in you if you don’t believe in yourself. This is true in leadership, sales and even when raising a family.

Tony Robbins’ mentor, Jim Rohn, famously said you are the sum of the five people you hang around with most.

If your five best friends are destitute, you are more likely to become poor. If your favorite five people are upwardly mobile, you are likely to do well financially.

If your FFF (Five Friends Forever) are overweight and unhealthy, you’re likely to take on some of their bad habits. When your best buddies are fit and exercise prone, you are probably like them.
Highly motivated people:

– Are in a good mood every day
– See the glass as half-full
– Are optimistic even in the face of adversity
– Are resourceful when meeting challenges
– Exercise, eat right, take care of themselves
– Banish negative thinking
– Systemize productive thoughts, emotions, behavior
– Consume “how-to” books, videos and podcasts
– Avoid angry people and negative emotions
– Have “leftover” energy to help others and give back

More in the Motivation Playlist on the Michael Angelo Caruso channel at

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Information Products

Michael is the author of many books, including “Work Hacks: 300+ Cool Ideas to Speed Career Success,” which is available as a print book and as an e-book.

Also check out Michael’s booklet titled, “Hmmm…Little Ideas With BIG Results.”

He’s also the creator of the best-selling, ”Present Like a Pro” DVD, a masterclass in speaking.

All products are available on Amazon.
