Healthcare Providers Share Experiences Developing AI for Social Determinants

Healthcare Providers Share Experiences Developing AI for Social Determinants

Social determinants of health refer to the circumstances in which individuals are born, grow, live, work, and age, encompassing factors such as income, education, and access to healthcare. Understanding these elements is crucial for primary care clinicians to provide equitable and comprehensive care, design effective programs, and allocate resources appropriately. (1 Trusted Source
Health Care Providers Weigh In On Their Experiences Developing an AI Tool to Understand Primary Care Patients’ Social Determinants of Health

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Addressing Gaps in Social Determinants Data

However, consistent documentation of this information in clinical settings is uncommon. This study explores the development of an AI tool for capturing social determinants of health, created through a collaborative design approach involving input from primary care team members.

Study Approach: Semi-structured, 50-minute workshops were conducted with the St. Michael’s Hospital Academic family health team in Toronto, Ontario, Canada from May to June 2023. Participants were asked for their feedback on a proposed AI-based tool that derives patient social determinants of health from electronic health record (EHR) data.

Main Results:

  • 15 participants of the health team participated across 4 workshops.
  • Participants reported that most patient information was not available or difficult to find in their EHR.
  • Participants recommended starting with 1-2 social determinants (such as income and housing). They also emphasized the need for adequate resources, staff, and training materials.
  • Many challenges were reported, including how to discuss the use of AI with patients and confirm their social needs identified by the AI tool.

Why It Matters: The integration of AI into health care is rapidly advancing, presenting both opportunities and challenges. This study provides valuable insights from end users on the meaningful design and implementation of an AI-based tool for social data in primary care.


  1. Health Care Providers Weigh In On Their Experiences Developing an AI Tool to Understand Primary Care Patients’ Social Determinants of Health – (


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