Healthy Aging Symposium 10/2021

Everyone ages each day and the goal is to age well for a long, quality life. You can be equipped for the journey of aging well into your golden years! Join in the fun and get informed to take positive measures for physical & mental wellness.

To see or download the handouts for attendees from speakers and vendors see our website:

Keynote Speakers will be:

Dr. Quinn Kennedy, Research Associate Professor and CEO of QK Consulting

Topics to be covered: Cognitive reserve: How to maintain good cognitive function into late adulthood

Dr. Quinn Kennedy earned a PhD in Psychology and completed postdoctoral training in Cognitive Aging, both at Stanford University. She has over 20 years of research experience in investigating factors that affect older adults’ decision making, memory and performance. Dr. Kennedy’s research has been recognized through multiple awards, grants, and peer reviewed journal publications including Psychological Science, Psychology of Aging, and Journals of Gerontology. With her collaborators, her work has been featured on Channel 2 news, NPR, The New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, and Science. Dr. Kennedy is a popular speaker on healthy cognitive aging and is about to launch an online webinar series on how to maintain brain health and good cognitive function.

Dr. Suketu M. Khandhar, MD Kaiser Permanente, Sacramento Medical Center Sacramento, CA, USA

Topics to be covered: Parkinson’s Disease

Dr. Suketu M. Khandhar, MD Kaiser Permanente, Sacramento Medical Center Sacramento, CA, USA Dr. Suketu Khandhar completed his Movement Disorders fellowship training at the University of California in San Francisco (UCSF) and works in the Kaiser Permanente network where he serves as the Medical Director of the Comprehensive Movement Disorders program for the Northern California region. He works with a large team of other specialists spread throughout the area. They have championed multidisciplinary care throughout the national Kaiser network by partnering with ParkinsonNet and other models of care to help build their programs.

Becky Robinson, Regional Director of the Alzheimer’s Association’s Northern California and Northern Nevada Chico Office will be discussing what the most current research tells us about changes we can make that can help our bodies and our brains age as well as possible, by exploring these 4 aspects of healthy aging:

Physical Health & Exercise
Diet & Nutrition
Cognitive Activity
Social Engagement

Becky Robinson oversees the administration and management of the Alzheimer’s Association in the North Valley area, which is comprised of 11 counties.

Becky has worked with individuals with Alzheimer’s and related dementias for more than 28 years.

She has experience facilitating support groups, counseling Alzheimer’s families throughout the disease process, and presenting information on Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and caregiving.

Maggie McNamara, Family Consultant/Caregiver Advocate, Passages Caregiver Resource Center of Chico will be discussing “Staying Healthy as a Caregiver”.

Recognizing signs & symptoms of caregiver stress
Recognizing signs and symptoms of caregiver burnout
Tips to getting help.

When family members or friends realize that they have become caregivers, they are often overwhelmed and find themselves drowning in a sea of stress and uncertainty. As a Caregiver Advocate, Maggie’s great passion is helping caregivers get the resources and emotional support they need and to help them survive the most difficult and rewarding time of their lives. She has been with Passages Caregiver Resource Center for nearly 15 years and has been providing presentations on dementia and caregiver health for more than 17 years.

Maggie earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from California State University, Chico.  She volunteered as a member of the Shasta County Mental Health Board, the California Association of Local Mental Health Boards and Commissions, and served as secretary of her local volunteer fire company.

Maggie has twice been a presenter at American Society on Aging/National Council on Aging Conferences.  She is also a Master Trainer of Powerful Tools for Caregivers
