High IQ: Cannabis Conversation with Jeff Rawson

Meet Jeff Rawson, President of the Institute of Cannabis Science, a respected authority in the realm of cannabis research and public health. With a rich background in chemistry, including a Doctorate from Duke University and postdoctoral studies at Harvard University, Jeff is deeply passionate about unravelling the complexities of cannabis and its impact on society. His dedication to bridging the gap between scientific knowledge and societal understanding has led to pioneering research initiatives aimed at providing the data necessary to manage cannabis use responsibly. Jeff’s personal experience with vaping-related health issues, which he detailed in an article for The Boston Globe, adds a personal dimension to his professional pursuits, making him a strong advocate for consumer education and regulatory improvements. Join us as we delve into Jeff’s insights, experiences, and vision for the future of cannabis science.

Jeff Rawson LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeff-rawson-31b1a724b/

Institute of Cannabis Science: https://cannsci.org/

Kristian Adamek LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kristian-adamek-phd-85071022a/
