Home Video Shows Infant Improving From Cannabis Oil

Video courtesy of Channel 5 Nashville


by Nick Beres

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – A child racked by seizures, unable to even hug her mother, is now emerging from her shell and there’s home video to prove it.

Many will remember two-year-old Millie Mattison. The little girl from Nashville suffered from hundreds of seizures each day and the powerful medicine needed to treat her basically knocked her out 24/7.

Her family decided to move to Colorado in hopes that a cannabis oil treatment, which is illegal in Tennessee, might help her.

Millie’s parents said the contrast between Millie from this past January, when she appeared almost comatose, and today is significant.

They sent NewsChannel 5 home video of Millie reacting to a chick — smiling, opening her eyes and moving her arms.

“She was much more alert and awake and started moving around a lot. It seemed like her brain is starting to fire and function and reconnect,” said Nicole Mattison, Millie’s mother.

Mattison said her daughter is now off the powerful pharmaceuticals and taking the cannabis oil. The hundreds of seizures a day are now reduced to just a handful a week. In the video, Millie appears to be much more engaged with the world around her.

“I spent almost all day crying yesterday,” said Mattison referring to tears of joy. “She had so many firsts. She was moving. She was alert and sitting up, which is a big deal for her.”

The marijuana oil extract Millie uses remains illegal in Tennessee but that could change. State lawmakers are working on a bill that would allow certain hospitals in Tennessee to treat patients with the oil.

A similar bill is expected to pass in Kentucky.
