How and why I chose veganism

Before getting into what veganism
exemplifies, let me say why I chose it.

First, the digestive tract is
convoluted. That being the case, flesh foods leave the body in seven days. So,
for seven days, poisons live in the body creating nightmares,

Second, all dairy products
are cooked up to 500 degrees equaling liquid fat with no nutrients. Who in
their right mind would want this?

Veganism denotes a philosophy
and way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as possible and practical, all
forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing, or any
other purpose. It also promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives
for the benefit of humans, animals, and the environment.

The word “vegan” is newer and
more challenging than “vegetarian”. “Vegan” includes every sentient being in
its circle of concern and addresses all forms of unnecessary cruelty from an
essentially ethical perspective. With a motivation of compassion rather than
health or purity, “vegan” points to an ancient idea that has been articulated
for many centuries, especially in the world’s spiritual traditions.

“Vegan” indicates a mentality
of expansive inclusiveness and is able to embrace science and virtually all
religions because it is a manifestation of the yearning for universal peace,
justice, wisdom and freedom.

The contemporary vegan
movement is founded on loving-kindness and mindfulness of our effects on
others. It is revolutionary because it transcends and renounces the violent
core of the “herding culture” in which we live. It is founded on living the
truth of interconnectedness and thereby minimizing the suffering we impose on
animals, humans and bio-systems; it frees us all from the
slavery of becoming mere commodities.

“Vegan” signifies the birth
of a new consciousness, the resurrection of intelligence and compassion, and
the basic rejection of cruelty and domination. It is our only hope for the
future of our species because it addresses the cause rather than being
concerned merely with effects. From this new consciousness we can accomplish
virtually anything. It represents the fundamental, positive, personal, and
cultural transformation that we yearn for, and it requires that we change
something basic – our eating habits.

It’s funny how we want
transformation without having to change! Yet, the fundamental transformation
called for today requires the most fundamental change – a change in our
relationship to food and to animals, which will cause a change in our behavior.

To some, becoming vegan looks
like a superficial step. Can something so simple really change us? Yes! Given
the power of childhood programming and our culture’s insensitivity to violence
against animals, authentically becoming a committed vegan can only be the
result of a genuine spiritual breakthrough.

In the Vedic culture, the cow
was considered to be one of the “mothers of mankind”. Today, the cow is viewed
in terms of dollars and cents relegating our net worth to be measured in
dollars as cows are sold by the pound.

The suppression of awareness
required by our universal practice of “commodifying”, enslaving, and killing
animals for food generates the built-in mental disorder of denial that drives
us toward the destruction, not only of ourselves, but of other living creatures
and systems of this earth.

Because of this practice of
exploiting and brutalizing animals for food has come to be regarded as normal,
natural and unavoidable, it has become invisible. Eating animals is thus an
unrecognized foundation of consumerism, the pseudo-religion of our modern
world. Because our greatest desensitization involves eating, we inevitably
become desensitized consumers devoid of compassion and caring little of how
what is on our plate got there.

If it had a face or a mother
don’t eat it!



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