How Q Invaded The Wellness Influencer Community

The QAnon conspiracy has taken hold in a place you may not expect. It seems there is a concerted effort to rope the wellness community into the Q community. Wellness folks and QAnon conspiracists use similar language and have a mistrust in the medical establishment. People who may not have been Trump supporters in 2016, now may feel that is a savior figure battling a cabal of satan worshiping, cannibalistic, pedophilic Democrats, and the Hollywood elite. This interview previously aired on Peacock on July 9, 2021. Sam Seder discusses how Q invaded the wellness community with Laura J. Nelson.

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Sam Seder: I’ve heard some talk about this phenomenon. But it was it is I don’t know that it’s really necessarily counterintuitive. But how did Q anon, which started with Trump supporters, and involves Trump, how did it migrate? Or did it migrate? Or did it just reach this community through a totally different track?
Laura J. Nelson: It’s something called pastel Q Anon, or Q Anon light. And it’s a type of Q on recruitment that is specifically aimed at women. And is generally perpetrated through Instagram and other social media-type platforms. So not the types of Q Anon followers you would see going to the message boards and reading all the Q drops and the clues that are released. Or were released but people who are finding their way to the ideology through these kinds of side doors. Like Instagram hashtags and Facebook groups where people are sharing links and encouraging others to educate themselves. And these types of groups are very active in the wellness community. Especially because during the pandemic a lot of those physical spaces, meditation rooms, sound healing rooms, yoga studios, were closed. And online was the only way that people had to stay in touch with each other.
Sam Seder: I want to get to sort of like you know what it is about this community that might make it sort of right. But you said you know it’s coming through hashtags. Like who’s driving it? I mean I understand that I understand that it’s you know it’s a slightly different variant if you will of and so it’s sort of being transmitted through different vectors. But who’s pushing it to that community? Like where and why and how did someone think you know I’m gonna go there. I mean it I’m using the metaphor of a virus and on some level like a virus doesn’t know where it’s going. But it finds a sort of like I don’t know that you know that it finds that it runs downhill I guess.
Laura: The receptive host.
Sam: Right yeah yeah but who but in this instance you know like it doesn’t is it somebody just going out there going like I’m gonna do hashtags with of you know sunsets and hashtags with football games. And I’m gonna do hashtags like are they just like who’s doing this?
Laura: Yeah, it’s a great question. And it’s actually as with all things Q there’s still kind of like a layer of murkiness about it. Where it’s not always clear who is pulling the levers behind all of it. But for people who watch the new age world, that’s the kind of people who keep an eye on conspiracy theories, yoga teachers, and other people who’ve really spoken out against this type of thing. They say that it’s clear that there’s been some kind of a concerted effort to target people in this community. Partly because a lot of the language that the wellness community uses is kind of akin to the language that Q Anon uses. Including the phrase the great awakening. Which people might have heard of referring to the idea that there’s going to be this point where the country wakes up and realizes that you know Democrats, who are also cannibalistic pedophiles, are controlling the levels of government. A great awakening is something that’s also discussed in yogic communities as an idea of a kind of spiritual ascension. Of kind of getting a better grasp on the internal balanced self. And then the fifth dimension is another kind of all the new Age of Aquarius type of behavior. It actually lines up very neatly.
