How To Host A Pop Up Fitness Event From Home

As we’re all still being encouraged to stay at home as much as possible, what better time than now to take full advantage of our beautiful homes and gardens. But perhaps you’re a bit bored with the same old bbqs, pool parties and family gatherings. Do you find yourself missing the days when you used to go to the occasional pop up fitness event, wellness festivals, yoga retreats and other fun social gatherings? Well who said you couldn’t have a go at recreating some of these things at home!

To help inspire you we’ve put together our top tips for hosting your very own pop up fitness event from home.

Make It All Inclusive

Something that we think is really important is to ensure your fitness event is all inclusive. And by that we don’t mean your guests will get free food and drink for the day, but rather that it is accessible to all people. Fitness is something that can be enjoyed by everybody. The old, the young, the visually impaired, the physically disabled, when we say everybody we mean every body.

If you are opening the gates of your garden to guests who may need some form of assistance, you’ll need to do some planning in advance. Grab a notebook and pencil and take a walk around your garden making notes about any potential trip hazards, areas that may require wheelchair ramps, grab rails, or other mobility aids. You’ll also need to think about your toilet facilities and whether your guests will have to go upstairs to access the bathroom and if so whether this could pose a potential problem to them. Depending on how frequently you intend to host these types of events you might want to consider installing a stair lift from, however if you’re not quite ready to commit to that level just yet, some companies may offer a rental service so be sure to do your research first.

Hire The Professionals

If you have no type of fitness qualifications yourself then it is in your best interests to hire people for your pop up fitness event who have got some. You don’t want to cause someone an injury because of your lack of knowledge and then have them sue you, so it’s always a good idea to get the best guest speakers for events. They may also be able to bring along any fitness equipment you might need, such as yoga mats, free weights etc. If not there are companies out there who hire equipment for these purposes and a quick Google search will point you in the right direction.

Decide what type of fitness event you’re thinking of hosting so that you can make sure everything flows together. Will you be focusing on a more holistic approach, in which case hiring yoga and Pilates instructors would be a good idea and you could even set up a chill out zone with some motivational guest speakers and life coaches. Or perhaps you’d like to focus on a particular sport, such as running or cycling, in which case you could ask one of the local running groups to come along and offer their advice to your guests. This is also great for them as they could potentially get some new members this way.

Make It Fun

Of course the most important thing is to have fun, you want people to go home smiling and to be talking about your pop up fitness events for days to come. An easy way to inject the fun into an event is to give it a theme that requires people to dress up.

Popular themes could include:

  • 80s Retro – Leg warmers, bright clashing colours, leotards, big hair – this is an aerobic instructors dream.
  • Country and WesternGone Country Hats, denim, pigtails – it’s time to grab your partner by the hand.
  • Famous Fitness Star – Joe Wicks (a wig, short shorts etc), Mr Motivator (bright jumpsuit, glasses, bumbag).
  • Tropical – Flower garland, sports bra, grass skirt.

You can let your imagination run wild, just remember to give your guests plenty of notice so that they have time to plan their outfit.

Planning your own pop up fitness event needn’t be hard work. It just takes a bit of research, plenty of planning, and a tonne of creativity. We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

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