How to Lose 30 Pounds Fast and How to Get Skinny Fast

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Are you stuck in a weight-loss rut? Do you feel like you’ve been doing all the right things but still aren’t seeing the results you were hoping for? Trust me, girl, we have ALL been there 🙄 which is why I want to help you figure out how to lose those last 30 pounds (or more… don’t feel bad!) and finally reach your weight loss goals.

Learn how to lose 30 pounds fast by adopting these 6 healthy habits

1. Buy Fresh Food Instead of Frozen or Processed Food

Although it can be tempting to grab all of those pre-made and pre-packaged frozen food items, and I would be lying if I said I never do, they are certainly NOT going to do you any favors as far as weight loss goes. Not only are they packed with unhealthy preservatives that cause cancer & numerous other health complications, but they are typically much higher in calories than if you prepared that same meal yourself using fresh ingredients.

As you make your way down the produce aisle be sure to grab LOTS of fresh fruits and veggies and get creative with them! It literally takes 2 minutes to chop up a zucchini or a fresh head of broccoli so what’s the use of buying it frozen? Unless you’re storing them for long term use, always cook using fresh ingredients. If it’s the cleanliness of the produce you’re concerned about (cough, cough, 2020..) check out this awesome Norwex Fresh Produce Wash:

You can actually spray this product right on the fresh produce to thoroughly clean the fruit or vegetable without compromising the taste of the food itself.

2. Eat Frequent Small Meals

If you want to lose weight and learn how to actually keep it off, eating smaller but more frequent meals is an easy way to get started. When you eat less often you are more likely to get over hungry and therefore feel the need to overeat. Your body is also more equipped to handle smaller amounts of food at a time and will manage calories more efficiently when given smaller meals more frequently.

Try eating a small breakfast (like a yogurt or piece of fruit), then a little mid-morning snack (a string cheese or nuts), and then a lite lunch ( salad, smoothie, or deli turkey & cheese roll-ups). Although it seems like you’re not eating much at any given time, you never go more than an hour or two without eating which will help regulate your metabolism and prevent overindulging later in the day.

Easy, Healthy Snacks I recommend include:

3. Stop Obsessing Over the Number on the Scale

I know you’ve probably heard this 100 times before but it really couldn’t be more true…


Sure, the goal is to eventually lose those extra pounds and get back to a healthy body weight, but with a healthy & balanced diet and lifestyle, weight loss will come… I promise! Obsessing over the number on the scale will only create anxiety and discouragement which if you’ve read my previous post, Learning How to Love Your Body Again, you would know only leads to unsuccessful weight-loss attempts.

4. Cut Out Sugary Drinks

This one is probably the most simple, in my opinion, but I DO know that there are some MAJOR soda lovers out there currently throwing things at me 😆 (sorry!) But cutting out sugary drinks from your diet is an easy way to reduce your total calorie intake without sacrificing too much from your meals. Did you know that there are approximately 140 calories in a single 12 oz can of coke? That is the equivalent of 2 extra slices of cheese on your sandwich, an additional 1/2 cup of pasta with dinner, or 2 chocolate chip cookies for dessert!

I guess the idea here is whether you prefer to eat your calories or drink them, but in all honesty, the calories you obtain from that can of coke are not nearly as substantial as eating a little more pasta with dinner, and will likely leave you still feeling hungry at the end of the day, even after you have already exhausted your daily calorie intake.

If you just cannot bear the thought of only drinking plain old water with your meals, try these great low-calorie drink options instead! I personally love the lemon-lime Bubly!

how to lose 30 pounds fast

5. Focus on How You Feel Not How You Look

I know I already covered why it is important to focus on more than just the number on the scale, but what I also want to share with you is how important it is to be aware of how much better you actually feel by making a healthy lifestyle change. The way a balanced diet makes you feel is what will drive you and motivate you to keep going and finally reach your weight loss goals! Long before I even started seeing weight loss results in the mirror I was already feeling healthier which gave me the push that I needed to keep the faith in my diet and stick to it.

If you still need the motivation to keep going and stick to your healthy lifestyle, this amazing book; Mini Habits For Weight Loss By: Stephen Guise is a great motivator and teaches you how he was able to turn healthy habits into actual weight loss without having to diet at all! 

6. Set Realistic Weight Loss Goals

So now that you’re ready and motivated to start your weight loss journey, you will want to set some important yet achievable goals. I emphasize achievable because so often people start their weight loss journey strong but then get discouraged and quickly lose steam. One of the main reasons this happens is because they are setting goals that are too difficult to maintain and therefore un-reachable. A goal that is without reach, is simply a waste of time and quite honestly will only end in discouragement and ultimately cause you to quit altogether.


That’s why I am putting so much emphasis on achievable goal setting because I know, from personal experience, that this is the KEY to long term weight loss… and I promise it works! Start your journey with a small and easily obtainable goal and then continue to grow from there, it may seem like you’re not getting anywhere right away, but it is important to understand that weight loss is a journey, not something that magically happens overnight. Sure, you can lose weight fast by crash dieting or practicing a FAD diet such as Keto (see my opinion on the Keto diet here) but 9 times out of 10 people who lose weight in this manner always end up gaining it right back.

If you need a little push to get started on your weight loss journey; and want something physical that you can print out and help guide you to your healthy weight loss goals, download my 7-day guide to a healthy mindset checklist for FREE and get started today. I also have a free 7-day meal plan available if you need even more help getting started on your new healthy and balanced diet. Just drop your email below and be sure to confirm you want the free meal plan and I will send it right to your inbox 😃

Take back control of your body today and start implementing these 6 simple, yet effective healthy habits for weight loss and reach your weight loss goals in no time. I believe in you… so you should too!

Also check out Feedspot’s Top 200 Health Blogs: The Balancing Bean plus many more awesome health blogs are listed on there, definitely worth a read!

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