How To Protect And Support Your Joints During Workouts

Exercising is a rewarding experience you might look forward to every week. The self-confidence that comes with a successful workout is great, but you might not get there if joint pain prevents you from exercising. Get back to the movements you love without risking your safety by learning to protect and support your joints during workouts. These tips will help you get started.

1. Add Time For A Warmup

Sometimes, it’s tempting to skip warm-up movements. They add extra time to your gym routine you might not have every day. They can also feel pointless compared to the exertion you feel during your actual workout.

Even when you feel like getting straight to your exercises, slow down and do five minutes of a warmup routine. The gentle motion causes muscular activation, sending synovial fluid to the joints to lubricate them naturally. When you’re ready to run or lift weights, your joints may experience little to no pain.

2. Evaluate Your Environment

There are numerous workouts you can do in your living room or gym, but that doesn’t mean the environment is best for your joints. The flooring in your home or gym can cause pain preventing your exercise routine.

Joints feel more comfortable over material with 22-40% shock absorption because they don’t take the harsh impact of each step. Ask your gym’s manager about the various flooring materials in their venue or use cushioning mats during your home workouts.

If you’re working out at home, check your thermostat before working out. Cold air may intensify joint pain because it thickens synovial fluid while redirecting blow flow to your inner organs instead of your limbs. Turning your thermostat up by one or two degrees might make you comfortable enough to work out.

3. Opt For Low-Impact Movements

High-impact workouts send harsher shockwaves to your joints. If you have less lubrication, your bones feel each movement more intensely. Changing your routine to low-impact exercises is another way to protect and support your joints during workouts. Try walking, using an elliptical or attending tai chi classes.

Some of these options may feel less challenging than you might prefer, but that doesn’t mean they’re not helpful. Low-impact exercise like swimming increases oxygen flow to your joints, reducing inflammation as you glide through the water. As long as you get your heart rate up, your body will benefit from the extra movement.

4. Work With A Trainer 

Even people without joint pain can accidentally hurt themselves if they don’t have proper form. You could follow the best YouTube videos but still work out in improper form the entire time. If you think this might be causing your discomfort, work with a trainer. They’ll show you how to protect your joints during your exercises while helping you achieve your fitness goals.

5. Change Your Shoes

Sneakers are not all the same. Some have fabric soles with no arch support or cushioning. You’ll feel the difference in your joints by switching to cushioned shoes that support your arches. They’ll absorb the shock of each movement, reducing how much reaches your joints.

Improper shoes also increase your risk of developing stress fractures if they don’t have cushioning. Upgrading your workout shoes is an investment in your overall health, not just your joints.

6. Drink Anti-Inflammatory Beverage

While there are numerous changes you can make to your workout routines, you can support your physical health throughout the day too. Drinking beverages with anti-inflammatory ingredients can reduce the inflammation that might exist when you start to exercise.

Cinnamon is a powerful anti-inflammatory ingredient that doctors recommend using to reduce osteoarthritis pain alongside prescription medications and physiotherapy. Look for natural teas that reduce inflammation and drink them throughout the day. You’ll reduce your overall pain and feel more comfortable as soon as your workouts begin.

Protect Your Joints Every Day

It’s easy to protect and support your joints during workouts after shifting your perspective. Consider trying these ideas to care for your overall health. You’ll reduce inflammation, feel better and prevent intense pain from returning by taking a comprehensive approach to improving your workout routines.

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