How To Start A Cycling Club?

How To Start A Cycling Club
How To Start A Cycling Club?

Topic: How To Start A Cycling Club?

We are many bicycle lovers that we meet on the road. A group of friends moved by the same passion. A good option is the creation of a cycling club. The reasons are several, but perhaps the most important is to feel covered by some colors, to be able to participate and organize competitions, and also, to comply with the legislation to be able to request subsidies or aid.

But if you think it is complicated, don’t worry, because it is not very complicated. Of course, suppose the group will be made up of many people who are going to pay their fees. In that case, it is best to leave it in the hands of professionals, so hiring the services of an agency.

How To Start A Cycling Club?

We hit the road, and we tell you the steps to create a club. The documentation that you have to provide is:

  • The club must have statutes, which are standard to any sports club and what you have to do is adapt them to yours. You can find out on the web, or any agency can have them.
  • Then you have to create a board where there must be at least: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Member.
  • Later you have to register it in the Registry of Sports Entities of the Community to which you belong.
  • The club must register with the Treasury as a non-profit sports entity and thus obtain its corresponding CIF. To be able to apply for subsidies, invoice, or be billed.
  • With the previous documentation, present yourself in the corresponding Federation and pay the amount that each estate deems necessary.
  • After a few days, the club will exercise as such, register cyclists under their name, organize sports events, seek sponsorship, etc.

As you can see, creating a club is not complicated, but it does require some time and patience to collect all the data. Being a club, you can now organize races, participate in others, have a running license, and take advantage of possible aid or subsidies from the institutions.

Many cyclists believe that the Federation only serves to have the right to enter competitions, but nothing is further from the truth.

In the same way that mountain fans federate to be protected against possible injuries and have insurance that covers the costs of a possible rescue, more and more cyclists federate exclusively to have insurance that covers them in case of an accident, either due to the damages that you can cause to a pedestrian on the way to work if you travel by bicycle or due to an injury produced in your usual outings.

Everything is to end the damn accidents that shake our roads every year.

Elementary Sports Club

The structuring of an Elementary Club has recreational purposes and playfully encourages sport, that is, for free time.

Minimum people needed: Three people are needed

Document management: Names and surnames of the founders, a statement in a document about the purpose and name of the club, written declaration of being following the sports regulations of said community; however, this is usually adjusted to the respective Federation

Basic Sports Club

It encourages a practice between members and other sports organizations, whether it be competitive activities. Creating a club of this type takes more economic expenses, and a lot of time is necessary; the minutes of the foundation must be registered in a registry in which a Notary Public must legally review it.

  1. Minimum people needed: Five people are needed and must be designated in a basic way: A president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, and vocal
  2. Document management: Foundational constitutive act that is granted by the Legal Notary, manifestation and declaration of economic assets, club rules and requirements to be a member, which will help government bodies to support said the club

Can I federate a club?

Of course, there are many benefits that a federation brings with it; many sports organizations prefer to give priority to federated clubs, for example, Enrollment in a competitive event. If you want to create a cycling club and want to take it to another level, you can find out about the Legal Sports Association, which allows you to organize events.

People also ask?

How far should I cycle as a beginner?

To give you an idea of distances and speed, the average speed of a bike for a beginner is around 12 mph. This means that in your first week you will cover distances of up to 2 miles. After eight weeks, the 10-mile journey shouldn’t be intimidating at all.

What is a good average speed for a club cyclist?

If you can pedal 15-20 miles, you could pedal 30 and join a club race. In our C races the average speed is around 11-13 mph, there is always a stop at a cafe, and we have riders on touring bikes, flat bar bikes, and even tandems.

Is 70 too old to start cycling?

These are serious cyclists, many of whom will not think of hopping on their bikes for a 100km ride. So there you go, you are almost never too old to ride a bike, and if you are in your sixties consider yourself a young cheater.

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