***Forgot to mention making a logo. You can download Canva and make your own, or use Fiverr and pay someone as little as $5 to make one for you. Also, you want to keep hemp/cbd out of your name because of banking. If you have that in your name and try applying for a business loan, it is a high chance they will decline it.
Hope you guys are washing your hands and staying away from each other
Thank you guys for all of the support, it is greatly appreciated!
FOCUS UP ORGANICS (my dispensary and coffee line)
Website: https://www.fuorganics.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fuorganics
Industrial Hemp Farms: https://ihf.idevaffiliate.com/idevaffiliate.php?id=532
Timbr Organics: http://shrsl.com/2jpk2
KHAOTIC FITNESS: https://www.khaoticfitness.com
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/officialrakeemwilliams
Start investing NOW (FREE STOCK): http://join.robinhood.com/rakeemw
BUSINESS INQUIRIES: rakeemwiliamsamos@gmail.com