HOW TO STOP GETTING BLOATED #gym #fitness #health #success #wellness #batman #motivation

3 Things:

1) The asterisk attached to “unhealthy” = it depends what you’re eating (the issue with eating out though is that you don’t ever truly know exactly what you’re eating because you don’t how how the food is prepared).

2) Seed oils are poison. They’re legitimately insidious. They are the top contributor to every chronic illness in the United States in the past 50 years. They dangerously fuck with your mood as well. Please research them for yourself so that you gain context for yourself. Avoid them at all costs — this will create a PROFOUND difference on the quality of your life, and you’ll be so glad that you did. (Safe oils include: macadamia nut oil, olive oil, and coconut oil.)

Your digestive system uses more energy than all your other systems combined… (endocrine, respiratory, etc.) Protect your energy at all costs! For your productivity as well as your happiness. Eating and drinking at the same time is extra work for your digestive system that can easily be avoided. “Washing it down” is a myth. I learned this from Tom Brady’s book, “The TB12 Method.”

Jesse Itzler, the wildly successful entrepreneur and ultra-marathon runner — and fucking s-a-v-a-g-e ONLY consumes fruit before 12:00 PM every day, no exceptions. This is because fruit is digested entirely differently than regular food, and consuming it doesn’t require the same burden on your digestive system. Life is going pretty well for him… his fruit strategy might be worth a try… (black coffee works wonders, too.)

Life is unreal. Why not live it consciously? Why not do everything you can to make it as clean and enjoyable as possible…
