HUNTING FIELDS By Dr. Peter Colla Chapter 5, Narrated By The Hooded Vigilante

Chapter 5 “Hunter Fields” takes the reader through the Real Life Experiences spanning decades of a few individuals some real some given fictitious names as seen through their eyes and revealed in Visions, Dreams, and Signs. The Prologue, Chapters One and Two are being read by one of the characters in the book in their entirety, additional chapters will be read each day, later a few a week until the entire book is revealed.

30 years ago Peter Colla’s full-term pregnant Wife Hilly died on the Eve of the day she was scheduled to deliver their second child. That event was reported then as an accident. Thirty years later through Revelation of the Holy Spirit, and further corroborating evidence a different story emerged; “They were taken into the world of Ritual Satanic Sacrifice and Abuse, and that world resides right under our eyes.”

As Dr. Peter began seeking Truths, sharing and revealing them among the many “Truthers” today, God revealed through Visions and direct instruction to “Write About It” the experiences these Real Individuals experienced. Thus “Exposing” the fact that right here in the United States and Western Europe we, especially the innocent children among us, are all potentially “Hunted” as Breeding Stock, MK Altered Slaves, or Ritual Sacrifice for Blood, and the US with its secret society of support and harvesting is nothing more than a huge haunting game-reserve for the Elites whereby our safe secure communities are in fact Hunting Field’s.

Dr. Peter & Anna Colla has sought the Truths first as Healthcare practitioners for decades. They have written, spoken, and treated all over the world using God Inspired methods to help people free themselves of the slavery of Big Pharma and Insurance control this “System” has placed us all in. Like many other Truthers today they seek Truths first, then ask God for “Discernment,” Dr. Peter has published hundreds of articles and now four books revealing those findings to share with others.

As Peter & Anna often do in Treatment when coming before something or someone new to help, they ask God for Wisdom on not only how, but the why of an attack, to treat the cause in addition to the symptoms. When they were ready God brought more Truths, many exposed in this book.

Recently Interviewed among the Truthers such as Charlie Ward, Mark Attwood, David “Nino” Rodriguez, Nicholas Veniamin, and Pryme Minister among many others, Peter Colla a licensed health care practitioner reports the Truths revealed to him, as witnessed after placing God back into his healthcare practice nearly two decades ago, treating to the causes and not only the symptoms of afflictions.

Anna and Peter are people who simply have tried to serve God and inject Him in any way possible into their lives, especially in healthcare Evaluation, Treatment Development, Teaching and Implementation of Body, Mind, and Most Importantly Spiritual Therapies. They try to Help People in their Ascension and eventual Quantum Healing. It is this Ascension process that has allowed God to now give additional Visions and Truths to Expose these travesties that are being perpetrated against all of us.

In the word of my Mentor Peter Laue of Pagosa Springs; “It is our job to Expose, it is then God’s job to Dispose.”

It is our desire this information is exposed, if you cannot afford a copy of the book write me at; to request a PDF copy free.

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For those individuals who have joined the fight and either interview us on their channels or buy and share ten or more copies of the book, email me and I will send you a personalized signed copy of Hunting Fields or one of the other books you may wish.

Purchase Hunting Fields Paperback;

Heal Yourself; “For God’s Sake

Quantum Ascension

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