ICC’s Amit Akkad to Speak on Lifestyle Program for Heart Disease and Diabetes at the Health Expo

Indian Circle for Caring Director Amit Akkad will conduct a session on “Lifestyle Program for Heart Disease and Diabetes” at the upcoming 8th Annual Indian and South Asian Health Expo on April 10th at Burlington Marriott Hotel in Burlington, MA.

“ICC is excited to present this program to the Indian community at the INE Health Expo 2022. Please, come and join us to learn more about this lifestyle program to live a longer and healthier life,” said Mr. Akkad.

The day-long Expo will be held from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm on April 10, 2022 at Burlington Marriott Hotel in Burlington, MA.

Lifestyle Program for Heart Disease and Diabetes:

It is no secret that Indians have three times the risk of heart disease and four times the risk of diabetes, and succumb to heart disease at an early age, compared to the white population. But these risks can be mitigated through Lifestyle changes in diet, exercise, sleep, and meditation.

ICC has partnered with South Asian Heart Center to bring a comprehensive, evidence based, culturally tailored and actionable Lifestyle program to mitigate these risks.

Over the last 12 years, 9,000+ Indians from all over USA have benefited from this program. ICC is pleased to report that through its efforts in last 2 years, 120+ Indians from New England have already joined and benefited from this program.

As in the past, Health Expo this year will focus on modern medicine, yoga, meditation, alternative medicine, physical fitness, beauty, anti-aging, and from onsite exercise training to keeping fit with Bollywood dancing and numerous workshops.

The expo brings together the region’s top health and wellness providers, top speakers and fun workshops to promote life-long health, fitness and wellness in our community. From free medical screenings to knowledgeable speakers to intensive yoga workshops, expo brings the best options for a lifetime of health for the New England community.
