Illicit Illegal Drug Consumption Sites Under Consideration By Biden Administration

White House Drug Czar Rahul Gupta said the Biden administration is open to allowing safe consumption sites for illegal substances—if the evidence supports it as a harm reduction measure.

“If you’re looking to save lives, and you’ve reached a historic precedent levels of deaths, you cannot avoid looking at any and every option in order to save those lives.”

Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear (D) said legalizing medical marijuana is “the future” and that he wants to let farmers grow cannabis to sell to other states.

A Missouri representative filed a bill to prevent police from using the smell of marijuana as “probable cause to conduct a warrantless search of a motor vehicle, home, or other private property.”

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) criticized the newly confirmed U.S. attorney for Massachusetts for not wanting to prosecute people for possessing marijuana and other drugs.

Missouri Democratic congressional candidate Henry Martin tweeted, “Today would be a good day for the President to legalize marijuana and pardon all the non-violent offenders who are imprisoned for it.”

The House bill to legalize medical cannabis for military veterans got one new cosponsor for a total of 15.

The House bill to allow CBD as a dietary supplement got one new cosponsor for a total of 36.

A spokesperson for Colorado Gov. Jared Polis (D) criticized Congress for “continued inaction” on marijuana banking.

A Maine representative who is sponsoring a drug decriminalization bill authored an op-ed arguing that the state should follow Oregon in enacting the policy.

An Illinois judge set next steps in a case challenging regulators’ marijuana business licenses decisions.

Guam regulators will discuss marijuana rules on Monday.

The Bahamian agriculture minister said the government will propose marijuana legislation “in the next year or so.”
