Get ready for an epic cannabis journey! 🌿 In this exciting series, host Jason Beck takes on the monumental task of judging the prestigious 20-year Emerald Cup Competition, and we’re going to start by smoking 81 strains of sungrown cannabis 🏆🔥 Joining him for this incredible challenge is the one and only Smokey Vanilla from Stretch n Smoke. Don’t miss out on this high-stakes adventure—stay tuned to see how the strains stack up and get an inside look at the competition’s finest! 🎥✨ @theemeraldcup @JasonBeck420 @smokeyvanilla1stretchnsmoke #EmeraldCup #20thAnniversary #CannabisChallenge #JasonBeck #SmokeyVanilla #StretchNSmoke #Sungrown #Cannabis #Competition