Kentucky Hemp Works — Eclipse Hemp

We are beyond thrilled to have this opportunity to share with you a little piece of what we do here in the heart of Christian County, KY. Our Kentucky Proud Hemp has been the product of many years of hard work — in meeting rooms and muddy fields, from one end of Kentucky to the other, and beyond.

This video is a testimony to the dedication of our stellar team and the farmers who’ve taken a new chance on an old crop. It’s also a kick-off for harvest season and an opportunity for us to show off some amazing new designs to commemorate the Great American Solar Eclipse and Eclipse Hemp.

Though the hemp industry has come a long way, there’s still more work to do. Currently there is a growing movement to allow all U.S. Farmers to grow hemp.

Email your U.S. House Representative and ask them to co-sponsor H.R.3530, the Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2017. Enter your zip code at to find your Congressman today. Ask them to co-sponsor H.R.3530 and help bring hemp back to U.S. farms!
