Key GMP Guidelines For Architectural Design

There are a number of considerations that go into building a business from the ground up while maintaining GMP compliance. In the extraction industry, choosing the right solvent, maintaining standard operating procedures and quality assurance, complying with safety and sanitary requirements are all of utmost importance, but architecture is often a lesser discussed topic in the field. However, this piece of GMP compliance is equally as critical and needs to be understood in full in order to be successful in the hemp and cannabis extraction industry.

Before a business in this industry is even started, GMP architectural facility design has to be taken into serious consideration. There are a number of concerns such as cross contamination risks, environmental and sustainability factors and overall functional area evaluation. Without having a firm grasp on these topics, your business could end up dead on arrival, or worse, it could cost you thousands to address underlying issues to meet GMP requirements effectively burying you in expenses you had not calculated. The good news is that we are here to help.

In this episode of extrakTALKS, Dr. Jon and Jared tackle the topic of GMP facility design and how it can make or break your business. In 29 minutes, they will discuss vital topics including how to control environmental exposure, what a containment system is, how to prevent product contamination, other key factors of product protection, architectural considerations and design considerations and more. Follow along as we provide you with these GMP facility design guidelines to ensure your business is successful in the long term.

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Watch as Dr. Jon gives a Live Tour of 5 Ton/Day Processing Facility:

Here is a link to a FREE Advanced guide to extraction:

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Time Stamps:
[00:00] – Introduction
[03:28] – Design and Construction
[06:42] – Architectural considerations for GMP
[08:07] – Architectural Plan Must Address Cross Contamination Risks
[11:02] – Key Factors For Product Protection
[11:42] – Room/Space Environmental Factors That May Influence Quality
[14:38] – Control of Environmental Exposure
[16:34] – What is a containment system?
[19:53] – Prevention of product contamination
[25:55] – Functional Areas in GMP Facilities

Thanks for watching our Key GMP Guidelines For Architectural Design video. If you have any suggestions or recommendations for future videos leave a comment down below!

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