Life Changing Executive Health & Wellness Program

http://Theiss.Care Let’s get right to the point. You don’t need another training program or gym membership. You don’t need another health and wellness program or personal trainer. What you need are results.

You’re probably like so many of our executive health and wellness clients. Super busy executives that just don’t feel right. You know you need to lose weight, drink less, eat right, get more sleep, exercise and less stress. Who has the time for a health and wellness program?

The sad part is, they always find the time for a health and wellness program after they’ve crashed or had a serious scare. We keep telling ourselves we’re invincible and then it happens. If you’re lucky it’s someone you know and not you. They have a heart attack, or a stroke. Everyone’s shocked. No one expects it to happen to them. Where’s your point of no return? I don’t know but I think you do. You may not know the exact point, but you know the feeling. The real question is can you afford to wait? Are you willing to take that risk?

The reality is your diet and lifestyle are killing you. You’ve reached the point where you realize you can’t do it on your own. It’s not your fault. We’re wired to resist change and change is hard. Most people wait until they’re forced to make a drastic change. How about quick health and wellness change you can manage.

30 days without chemicals or drugs. Two guided health and wellness sessions a week for less than an hour. A health and wellness program even the busiest Fortune 100 executive can accommodate, no exaggeration. How is all this possible? If you’re here, you know my reputation as a health and wellness consultant for delivering extraordinary results. I am the No 1 Executive Health and Wellness Consultant among 250,000 competing personal trainers. In my 30 years of executive health and wellness experience one thing has become abundantly clear, your past training program isn’t enough. Sure, you’ve read books, attended workshops, or done other training programs, workout plans and worked with other trainers. If they worked, you wouldn’t be here today.

I understand you may not be clear on the details, that’s OK, we’ll find them together. The important thing is you’re committed to taking the next step and to finding the right trusted health and wellness consultant. If this sounds good, one of my health and wellness programs will be perfect for you. My training programs are for those that want to live life the way it was meant to be lived. If my health and wellness program is right for you, you’ll feel it in your heart, in your gut, in your core.

Click the link below and we’ll schedule a session to discuss exactly how to get the health and wellness results you really want, you deserve, and that you have been looking for.

As someone who appreciates a job well done, I can’t thank you enough for the excellent executive health and wellness coaching and remarkable results I experienced. I could not have imagined a few months ago the personal changes about to take place. Having been thin most of my life, I rarely gave much effort to physical fitness. However, I found myself in the tailor shop the last few years “letting it out just a little more.” A diminished energy level added to my frustration. Our chance meeting as you helped me lift a computer into my car resulted in a set of health and wellness habits I will enjoy practicing for the rest of my life. I never thought that working out could actually be fun, but that’s just what it turned out to be.

After the first few health and wellness sessions I noticed a marked increase in energy that lasted throughout the day. This was just the beginning. After several weeks I noticed my trousers fitting a little looser, and by the sixth week I was punching extra holes in my belt to make it tighter. The tailor, who was now taking my trousers “in”, asked for an introduction to my health and wellness consultant. You have to love that.

At the same time I noticed my arms and chest getting bigger. This additional strength was a welcome benefit. I no longer worried that an afternoon on the golf course would result in stiffness the next morning. I was now carrying my clubs for 18 holes, with plenty of energy at the end of a round. Walking the course has resulted in a smoother pace, adding to my overall enjoyment of the game.

The final improvement was cardiovascular efficiency. You explained that the goal was to decrease the amount of work the heart must do get the job done.



TheissCare, LLC
20750 Ventura Blvd., Suite 160
Woodland Hills, CA, 91364

