Live Q&A with Dr. Greger – March 2023

Replay of Dr. Greger’s live Q&A on Thursday, March 16.

0:00 Introduction

1:10 Erythritol has been in the news lately for connection to heart attacks. Any update on your stance?

2:37 Have you heard about the Levine Biological Age Calculator (Yale) which is based on bloodwork tests?

4:10 How safe is targeted therapy compared to chemotherapy?

5:10 I am losing more weight than I would like. How can I gain weight in a healthy way?

6:20 We are often asked what’s the percentage of the plant based community that still deals with cancer or other chronic diseases. Do you have any statistics?

8:27 Can you confirm that flax seeds once ground can be added to oatmeal and heated in the microwave? The heat won’t damage the nutrients?

9:18 Any studies of the WFPB diet for covid long-haulers?

11:40 Would a WFPB diet help somebody with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome?

12:47 Do you consume coffee? What’s the final judgement? Good or bad?

15:04 Probiotic supplements for SIBO?

17:05 For G6PD deficiency, should we avoid all legumes?

19:06 Any secret stuff from How Not to Age? Why was it delayed? Should I stop drinking hibiscus tea?

20:35 I have a slightly elevated level of serum chloride (CI-). Could it be the vegan diet?

21:29 Will How Not to Age be translated into other languages?

22:02 Please talk about Consumer Reports Dec. 2022 reporting all dark chocolate and cacao tested with lead and cadmium. Should we stop eating cacao?

22:58 What are your thoughts on chia seeds?

24:15 I recently had typhlitis and I have stage 4 colon cancer. Any tips on trying to prevent it in the future?

25:33 Can you ensure you get enough fat in your diet from nuts, grains, beans, when avoiding all processed oils? How do you safely get ultra low cholesterol?

27:19 A blood test said Vitamin B6 was too high, causing neuropathy in my feet. What’s going on?

29:41 My aunt had breast cancer and it was cut off. She has been on tamoxifen. Can she stop it if she keeps eating estrogen blocking food such as soy beans, hemp, flaxseeds with WFPB diet?

30:44 With many legumes such as lentils, I find that I prefer them cooked much less than the label indicates. Is it unhealthy to consume ‘undercooked’ legumes?

32:16 If you’re not a celiac would avoiding gluten be a good idea if you thought you might have an intolerance?

33:43 Lately you’ve spoken a lot about eating wheat germ for spermidine. Why not just eat the whole wheat berry? Just a matter of concentration?

35:05 Thoughts on nicotinamide riboside and NMN? New study on erythritol? Thoughts on nicotinamide for skin cancer prevention?

38:25 Should we worry about radiation contamination in Japanese green tea?

39:06 Is sulforaphane heat stable? Does cooking reduce, degrade, or destroy it?
