LONGEVITY: Easy NUTRITION HACKS To Prevent Disease & LIVE LONGER! | Shawn Stevenson

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In this episode you’ll discover:
* How many people die from poor diet each year.
* The impact our environment can have on our choices.
* Specific key nutrients that are associated with communal dining.
* Why eating with your family can help you make healthier food choices.
* The connection between childhood health outcomes and family dinners.
* How many times per week (minimum) you should aim to have a family meal.
* What percentage of the average American’s diet is ultra-processed food.
* The link between stress reduction and family meals.
* What percentage of families eat together on a regular basis.
* How eating with others can impact the way your body assimilates food.
* The correlation between eating in front of a screen and increased calorie intake.
* How after-school screentime can impact kids’ food choices.
* The role dopamine plays in our screentime behaviors.
* Four practical tips you can use to reap the benefits of family mealtimes.

Visit http://themodelhealthshow.com/ to subscribe for free updates, new episodes and much more.

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