Making a Hot Process Olive and Hemp Soap

The Olive and Hemp Soap bar uses the hot process method and utilizing a crockpot in making this soap. Olive oil is infused with ginger, arnica, carrot, St. John’s Wort, and calendula. This is also known as a bastille soap bar due to having 70% of olive oil or over 70%.

Oils used:
70% Olive Oil
23% Coconut Oil
5% Hemp Oil
2% Beeswax

No Colors and No fragrances were used in this soap batch which makes it perfect for those allergic to fragrances or colorants.

Other Important links mentioned are:
For a good video on hot process method, see Shalebrook Handcrafted Soap:

Bastille Soap Bars explained from Brambleberry’s Soap Queen:…tutorials/…soap/baby-soap-buttermilk-bastille-baby-bar

Benefits of using Hemp Oil:

Where you can purchase my handcrafted soaps:

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