Medical Colleges can Face Fines Up to Rs 1 Crore

The National Medical Commission (NMC) has released the E-Gazette outlining the Regulations for Maintaining the Standard of Medical Education in 2023.

According to the official notification, if a medical institution fails to adhere to any legal provision or regulations set forth, or does not meet the Minimum Standards of Requirements specified by their respective Boards, or behaves in a manner inconsistent with the objectives of medical education and practice, the Board will take action. This may involve imposing a monetary penalty, not exceeding one crore rupees per violation or omission (1 Trusted Source
MSMER Guidelines 2023, Medical Gazette

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Possible Penalties by NMC

Possible penalties may encompass one or more of the following:

  1. Issuing a warning along with instructions for rectification or compliance by the medical institution
  2. Imposing a monetary penalty, capped at one crore rupees, for each violation or omission by the medical institution
  3. Imposing a monetary penalty, of up to five lakh rupees, for faculty members, Heads of Departments (HoDs), Deans, Directors, or doctors who submit false declarations, documents, or records (including patient records). They may also face charges or penalties for misconduct per the prevailing Registered Medical Practitioner (Professional Conduct) Regulations
  4. Halting the accreditation process
  5. Recommending to the MARB the suspension of processing new course applications, including seat increases in existing courses, for the academic year or a specified number of years
  6. Reducing the number of students admitted by the medical institution in the next or subsequent academic years
  7. Stopping admission to one or more courses in the next or subsequent academic years
  8. Recommending to the NMC the withdrawal of permission
  9. Withholding or withdrawing accreditation for up to five academic years

Any attempt to exert pressure on UGMEB, PGMEB, or NMC through individuals or agencies will result in an immediate suspension of the processing of all applications or requests by the medical institution.

Reference :

  1. MSMER Guidelines 2023, Medical Gazette – (

Source: Medindia

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