Medicare Part A: Everything You Need to Know | Health Info Tips

Medicare Part A, also known as hospital insurance, is a part of Medicare that helps cover the cost of inpatient care in a hospital, skilled nursing facility care, hospice care, and home health care.

What does Medicare Part A cover?

Medicare Part A covers a wide range of medical services, including:

Inpatient hospital care: This includes room and board, meals, and nursing care while you are in the hospital.
Skilled nursing facility care: This is care that you need after a hospital stay, but that is not as intense as hospital care.
Hospice care: This is care for people who are terminally ill and have a limited life expectancy.
Home health care: This is care that you receive in your home, such as nursing care, physical therapy, and occupational therapy.
Who is eligible for Medicare Part A?

Most people are eligible for Medicare Part A if they are 65 years old or older and have worked in the United States for at least 10 years. Some people under the age of 65 may also be eligible for Medicare Part A if they have a disability or a certain type of kidney disease.

How much does Medicare Part A cost?

Most people do not have to pay a premium for Medicare Part A. If you did not work long enough to qualify for premium-free Medicare Part A, you may be able to buy it for a monthly premium.

How do I enroll in Medicare Part A?

You can enroll in Medicare Part A online, by phone, or by mail. You can also enroll through a licensed insurance agent or broker.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind about Medicare Part A:

Medicare Part A has a deductible. This is the amount of money you have to pay out-of-pocket before Medicare starts paying for your medical expenses.
Medicare Part A also has copays and coinsurance. Copays are a fixed amount of money that you have to pay for certain medical services, such as doctor’s visits and prescription drugs. Coinsurance is a percentage of your medical expenses that you have to pay after you’ve met your deductible.
Medicare Part A has an out-of-pocket maximum. This is the most you’ll have to pay for medical expenses in a year.
Medicare Part A is an important part of Medicare that helps cover the cost of essential medical services. If you are eligible for Medicare Part A, be sure to enroll so that you can have coverage for these important services.

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