Mental Illness Increases Death Risk After Heart Attack

Findings revealed that people with one of these three conditions had higher chances to die (within 30 days, one year, and five years) and also to have another heart attack or stroke than those without mental illness.

For schizophrenics, the risk of death 30 days after a heart attack was two times higher than those without a psychiatric diagnosis. For patients with bipolar disorder or major depression death risk increased by 30-50%.

Those with severe mental illness were also less likely to receive revascularisation (an operation to restore blood flow), and no evidence of any improvement across the 24 year period was found.

Researchers believe the findings may indicate bias in care, social exclusion, poor general health, and possible differences in longer-term treatment. They also point out the chronic health inequalities faced by people with serious mental illness and are calling for disparities to be urgently addressed.

Dr Caroline Jackson, lead researcher, said, “This study highlights marked and persistent mental health inequalities in heart attack outcomes in Scotland. The underlying reason is likely to be multifactorial and complex and remains poorly understood.”

“We need to know how comorbidities and lifestyle factors contribute to these disparities. We also need detailed investigation of the entire patient journey, from heart attack onset to rehabilitation among people with severe mental illness, to identify any areas of weakness in clinical care,” she adds.

The researchers recommend that people with mental health conditions should continue to seek advice from their medical team regarding any concerns about their health.

Frances Simpson, not involved in this study, said, “Parity of esteem between physical and mental health is imperative if we are to reduce premature deaths. We need to raise awareness amongst physical health professionals of symptoms that can be masked by the side effects of psychiatric medication, and accept that people with mental illness may need more time and support to accept medical procedures.”

Source: Medindia

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