Meta's Quest for Employee Well-Being in XR

AWE USA 2022, Healthcare & Wellness – Meta’s Quest for Employee Well-Being in XR

As we work to integrate XR tech into Meta’s culture, we’re thinking about how VR can make well-being part of our work day to alleviate stress and boost productivity. The immersive, fun, and effective nature of VR can motivate people to adopt and maintain healthy behaviors, helping to form positive habits. We’ll start with an overview of how the rising popularity of fitness and well-being applications in the Quest store inspired our journey. From there, we’ll discuss how our XR Hub group is partnering with Meta’s HR organization (Life@) to explore a vision for the future. From including the Quest 2 as part of the Wellness Reimbursement program, to exploring the use of VR apps to improve everyday well-being, we’ll share the encouraging results of our pilot programs.

Renee Albert – Director, Life@ Health and Well-being, GBA at Meta
Laura Kusumoto – Enterprise XR Program Manager at Meta

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