Metrics for Latino Wellness Management

“Metrics for Latino Wellness Management in an Increasingly Racially Ambiguous Population” is co-hosted and presented by the School of Public Policy and the School of Medicine.

Social determinants of health are increasingly used as a substitute for racial/ethnic categories commonly used to track health disparities in the United States. With a focus on Latino health outcomes, this presentation will provide a conceptual framework for how to think about and measure health disparities. Racial/ethnic categories have a very limited future in California. While it is estimated that less than 3% of the U.S. population is racially ambiguous, in California nearly 41% of the 2010 birth cohort (nearly 500,000 babies) is so racially ambiguous as to threaten the internal validity of measures used to predict future health disparities based on race/ethnicity.

David E. Hayes-Bautista is a Distinguished Professor of Medicine and Director of the Center for the Study of Latino Health & culture, UCLA.

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