MINI MIDLIFE MEDITATIONS-Releasing and letting go

Meditation is medicine for your heart. body, mind, spirit and soul. This channel is a safe space to come and relax and reconnect with your mind. Meditation is more than just slowing down and relaxing. It helps you become more centered which helps boost your self-worth and self-confidence. It can change how you view yourself and your life. It will also help you recognize and accept where you are now and where you would like to be in the near future. You will become more aware of your negative thoughts and the damage they can cause. Also, over time you will want and desire more positive thoughts. First, you will feel better, and the calmness will overflow into every aspect of your life. Then you will clearly see the outcome and results from these new powerful positive thoughts.

There is nothing more powerful than following our own intuition. When you meditate with me, we will tap into your heart intelligence. This is where the flow of awareness, understanding and intuition are experienced when the mind and emotions are brought into coherent alignment with the heart. There is so power and greater understanding of our inner thoughts when we tap into our intuition.
This is your invitation to come and join me for a greater understanding of love and peace.

Join me and we will get through this together!
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You can contact me anytime with comments, suggestions or let me know how I can help you!
Above on the banner is a link for a FREE Love Your Midlife manifesto: Change your thoughts, change your life! HIT THE LINK!
Send me an email for a FREE 30 minute discovery call…How can I help you with sometime that is driving you crazy…

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Podcast: coming soon…..

About Darcy Justen:
On this channel, you’ll find inspiring and motivational content for all of us women over 50, and in our prime! That’s why every week I’ll be answering your questions, making suggestions, sharing inspiring stories, fun, tips and encouraging advice so we can find solutions, not excuses. Whether it’s health, wellness or lifestyle we will cover it all.
I believe our beauty starts on the inside. Change your thoughts, change your life.
This is the place to bring your desires and dream about the life you want to create.
Darcy Justen is an experienced personal performance and lifestyle coach for women in midlife looking to find deeper growth, freedom and joy in their lives. She offers 1:1 coaching, group coaching, workshops and speaking engagements. You can contact her-

“Darcy is a natural coach, I sought her out because of her wit, humor and energy. Her approach was perfect, providing a safe place for me to share some of my greatest wishes and the structure was perfect for me. Her feedback was insightful, and I came away with a whole new perspective on my life and the steps to get where I want to be.” Hazel Brown-Australia
“Darcy has a gift of understanding and connecting with anyone. She is able to listen, and truly help you get out of your own pain. I highly recommend her coaching program to anyone searching for more and feeling lost.” Susan Jones-USA
“Watching these videos, has changed my wife so much. They are helping her with sadness, and her midlife crisis. She is already feeling better.” Subscriber-India
