MLB Makes History with “MYND”. CBD Sponsor Barrier Broken,Thanks to the Cubs. Is DEL#22 Legal?

Major League Baseball continues to get off to a great start in 2023. Games are shorter, more runs are being scored, and now CBD infused beverage “MYND” comes on board as a sponsor for the Chicago Cubs. Tilray acquires HEXO in Canada. Germany is rewriting their laws even before they get started. There’re bribery indictments in Michigan, while Washington State is ready to set up interstate commerce rules for cannabis. Delaware Governor John Carney still hasn’t signed the adult use bill in his state, and now his timing is over according to that state’s constitution setting the stage for the 22nd legal state for adult use in the US. Coast to Coast coverage of cannabis news on Weed Talk News with Alaina Pinto.

@Rick Thompson in Michigan

@Andrew Behringer in DC and MD

@Jill Goldsberry in NJ

@Marianne Cursetgee in Oregon

@Lex Pelger in Europe

@Debi Facey in Canada

@Jimmy Young in Massachusetts

@Brandon Jones in Missouri

@Thomas Howard in Illinois

@Matthew Friedlander in Washington State

@Doug Miller High on Wall Street Stocks
