Mobile App can Save Women’s Lives in India

India has emerged as a hub central to the development of new technology. It is time the Indian government made a concentrated effort on raising awareness about the early warning signs of this disease as a preventative method.

For this purpose, a breast healthcare app could be used by Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) to combat the rise in breast cancer statistics.

These on-the-ground healthcare workers are already accepted by the community, they overcome socio-cultural barriers as part of their normal day-to-day work, and they could encourage vulnerable target groups to engage with breast cancer education.

Using an app they could also demonstrate breast self-examination techniques that identify the early warning signs of cancer, which is fast and simple to use.

The reason for such appalling statistics in India was a lack of awareness about the early warning signs of breast cancer by women.

Macro environmental forces including the weak political will to fund women’s health, combined with a society in which societal protocols render a discussion about cancer as culturally sensitive.

To overcome these shortcomings, researchers suggest broadening the scope of mheath technology to raise breast cancer awareness among Indian women.

Source: Medindia

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