Move To Mexico 2022: Puerto Vallarta

Dream of retiring to Mexico? Welcome to the last of our 4 part series where you can discover: real estate in Puerto Vallarta, life in Puerto Vallarta, hacks and lessons learned along the way.

Taniel Chemsian, Real Estate Agent, Senior Sales Associate Timothy Real Estate Group
Taniel moved to Puerto Vallarta in 2003 from Los Angeles. He has sold hundreds of residential and commercial properties over the last 16 years in the real estate industry. You can watch many of his videos on Modern Aging’s YouTube Channel including 5 Reasons Why Puerto Vallarta is The Best Place to Retire –

Randy Bennett and Craig Strong dreamed of retiring in Puerto Vallarta. That dream came true several years ago when they purchased a condo in the Conchas Chinas neighborhood in Puerto Vallarta. They raised their son in Puerto Vallarta and brought over their 2 dogs. Now they spend their days creating art and spending time with friends.

Ada and Stefan split their time between the San Francisco Bay area and Puerto Vallarta. They bought a fixer upper a few years ago and last year bought a bigger home to host retreats. They document their Mexican adventures on their YouTube Channel — Living Simply in Mexico. Watch their interview on the Modern Aging You Tube Channel where they talk about purchasing 2 homes in Puerto Vallarta –

Learn from their mistakes and the hacks they learned along the way so that you can start planning your dream retirement in Mexico!

If you are ready to take concrete steps towards planning your move to Mexico, check out – a comprehensive online program with video interviews with experts in real estate, real estate law (real estate attorney), banking, accounting, healthcare, veterinary medicine, dental, and much more! Hear from expats who made the move. Resource lists, audio files and written transcriptions!

Want to do more research?

Then join our FREE LIVE webinar on how to buy real estate in Mexico and healthcare options for expats.

April 3, 6, or 7, 2022.

Go to to register for free and more info.

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Hosted by Risa Morimoto
