MQ Health Wellness Series: Women and Cancer – Screening, prevention and treatment

Ovarian, Cervical and Breast cancers are amongst the top cancers affecting women in Australia. Whilst cervical cancer can be diagnosed at an early stage by a PAP smear and breast cancer by ultrasound or mammogram, an early detection test for ovarian cancer does not exist and can often go undetected until the advanced stages of the disease.

That is why it is especially important to recognise warning signs and learn what you can do to reduce your risk.

Join us to hear from healthcare experts about the importance and types of risk factors, signs & symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of these three specific cancers affecting women.

Topics will include:
Preventable causes of cancer and the Importance of Cancer Screening – Dr Dhanusha Sabanathan
Ovarian & Cervical Cancer Screening & treatments – Abby Fyfe
Breast Cancer Screening & treatments – Dr Negin Sedaghat
