My Fitness Journey | How I started out in college AND still running as a Mom/Career Woman

In this episode, we interviewed Ifeoma Muoto who is a public health administrator and community health facilitator. Ifeoma is a Nigerian immigrant who lives in Portland, Oregon USA with her husband and kids . Her journey to becoming and staying fit started many years ago while in college in Nigeria after losing about 30 pounds, she fell in love with running and has continued that lifestyle since then. Her daily routine involves 4 mile runs 3 to 4 days every week and a 10 mile run once a week. She has found a community of friends “her running family” who she runs with and they hold each other accountable. Having received a pre-diabetes diagnosis early one, running/leading an active life bas become even more important/paramount for her. Her motivation for running/exercise is no longer about weight loss but about being in top shape including improved mental health and wellness. Fitness is not limited to just exercise but nutrition also. It’s important to eat food rich in fiber and proteins. It is ok to indulge in “cheat days” but keep it at a minimum because the combined effect adds up. Her advice to other moms especially black women/immigrants is to just start. Eventhough fitness doesn’t come naturally for us Africans or black women or moms, we must develop these habits to ensure a healthy lifestyle. Some of her achievements include running two full marathons and several half marathons. Her one main project right now is staying hydrated, getting enough sleep and hoping to do a destination race sometime in the future. Hope you enjoyed watching this episode. Please share your thoughts with us in the comment section. Please Like, Comment and Subscribe. Thank you! #myfitnessjourney #exercisetips #workingmom #nigeriansindiaspora #fitnessforwomen #blackwomenfitness

0:00 Intro
4:00 What led to my fitness journey
6:40 How I started my fitness journey in college, beauty standards
11:28 The role nutrition plays in fitness & my daily fitness routine
22:06 How I stay motivated on the fitness journey – diagnosis, gratitude, running family
30:07 Benefits of active lifestyle/exercise and advice to black women/moms
35:30 Greatest achievements in fitness journey

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