My Success Story: 5 Ways I Stopped Anxiety Symptoms

Welcome to the Anxiety Guy podcast, where we explore the core causes of anxiety and provide you the knowledge, skills, and motivation you need to write your own success story and free yourself from the clutches of uncertainty and dread. Every week, we will discuss tried-and-true methods, hear from real success stories, and create moments that lead to inner peace and strength. My name is Dennis Simsek, and I used to suffer from anxiety before becoming an anxiety healer. Prepare to release yourself from the grip of worry and enter a life that is joyful, purposeful, and unshaping. This is the Anxiety Guy podcast, and right now is the beginning of your road to freedom.

1. Conflict to Comprehending

Changing Viewpoints

The first thing that really helped me was transitioning from fighting to understanding. Understanding the signals related to emotions and previous experiences. When a symptom appeared, I used to argue with it: “Why are you here?” I want to be rid of you. I do not want you in my life. I am unable to accomplish anything because of you. Will you become worse? Are you linked to a sickness or illness? Consider this much emphasis on a single symptom. Such intense concentration depletes a person’s willpower and capacity to be present in the moment.

Accepting the Word

So I moved from fighting to understanding. What’s this? What is my body telling me? What am I repressing? What type of things have I overlooked? Fears, resentment, doubts, and unforgiveness against myself and others. Your symptoms and experiences convey signals, and you must be willing to comprehend them. You must be willing to receive such messages and use them to overcome the issues that your body want to address.

2. Fear to Unconditional Love

Accepting Love

The second thing is to move from fear to unconditional love for why they are there. Unconditional love towards your symptoms and sensations? Absolutely. Thank you so very much for looking out for me. Thank you for warning me of something that is going to arise in the future that’s connected to past trauma from the past. Thank you so much, subconscious body, for carrying around this information until now and letting me know that I can resolve what needs to be resolved through my conscious mind today. This shift in perspective was a key part of my success story in overcoming anxiety.

Love-Based Healing

These are crucial lessons because you can start the healing process by showing love to the exact thing you dread and detest. When you spread love towards the very symptoms and sensations that cause you fear and anxiety, you begin to heal. It’s important to thank your body for looking out for you and for carrying the information that allows you to resolve past traumas. By doing this, you acknowledge your subconscious body’s efforts and shift your perspective from fear to unconditional love. Keep an open mind regarding this interpretation and embrace the messages your body is sending you as part of your success story in overcoming anxiety.

3. Changing the Inner Speech

From Abuse of Oneself to Compassion

The third thing I did was switch from negative, self-defeating internal discourse to positive, neutral dialogue. I had a terrible internal monologue. I used to constantly berate myself. I used to constantly undermine myself. I used to be so critical of myself. I used to convince myself that I would constantly have health worry whenever a symptom appeared. In my life, I persuaded a great deal of others in addition to myself.

Modifying Your Story

This inner dialogue must change. The way you talk to yourself must change. And the way you dialogue with your body and interpret the things going on in your body must change. How are you speaking to yourself right now? How? Be honest. When a symptom arises or fear arises, what do you do? Do you swim in that helplessness? Do you not show it to others and put up a mask all day long? What do you do? Pay attention to the things that are going on in your mind and make sure that when you are thinking about things, you are thinking about them through your conscious mind, not replaying the same ideas from yesterday. Changing this inner dialogue was a significant part of my success story in overcoming anxiety.

4. Introducing Peace Through Mini Vacations

Acquiring Harmony

The fourth thing I did was start going on quick getaways to introduce myself to other states. And that’s when I started to get used to serenity. I don’t know what peace is, which is a strange thing to say. I believed that I had to work hard and persevere through every phase of my life. Furthermore, I had no idea what self-love or tranquility were.

Practical Steps

So, I took these short mini vacations throughout the day, just to, in a short period of time, introduce peace and love to myself. I remember sitting on a park bench and just simply being grateful for that moment. I remember sitting there and asking for more wisdom to show up and to be guided towards healing. I found peace through short mini vacations that I urge you to take starting today. Incorporating these mini vacations into my routine was a vital part of my success story in overcoming anxiety.

5. Changing Tonality

New Voices

And lastly, tone. I listened to those remarks in a totally different tone than before. I completely changed the tonality in terms of how I was listening to those words. I modulated the pitch of my voice. Instead of hearing the fearful thoughts in the authoritative voices of my past, I imagined them spoken by characters like Mickey Mouse, Goofy, or Daffy Duck—voices I never took seriously. By changing the tone, I was able to detach from the emotional impact of these negative ideas. This shift allowed me to respond differently, choosing actions and behaviors that supported my healing journey. This change in perception and reaction was a crucial part of my success story in overcoming anxiety.

Using Humor as a Tool

No longer was it the voice of my father or authority figures or even my own voice. Those fearful thoughts were now coming from the voice tone of Mickey Mouse, Goofy, Daffy Duck, you name it. People, characters that I never took seriously. So when I heard the same fearful thought through their voice, I found myself detaching from the emotional component. I no longer got emotional behind an idea that popped up, a negative idea. And I had the option, the choice of acting and behaving differently. This change in perception and reaction was a crucial part of my success story in overcoming anxiety.

Final Thoughts: Accepting Healing

You must utilize tonality, a highly potent weapon, to heal oneself of health anxiety. Emphasize healing rather than symptom management. Recall that dealing with these anxious feelings requires less energy than fighting them. Thus, be willing to learn how to collaborate with them. And liberation will be only around the corner, I assure you.

I love you so much, and I’ll see you soon. Bye-bye.

The most powerful anxiety guidebooks on true anxiety recovery are now available on Amazon. Pick up Beyond Anxiety and F Coping, Start Healing, and supercharge your healing journey today. Also visit to connect with Dennis and find the right online program for you. Remember, you are more than anxiety. See you in the next podcast episode.

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