NaturalNewsBlogs My Favorite Green Living Tips


Posted Thursday, January 27, 2022 at 01:17pm EST

This is how easy it is to go holistic herbal green. 🌿🍃These are methods I use everyday to clean my RV home naturally clean 🍊🍋green toxic free. They are very easy recipes and they are very affordable. 

To clean my clothes:

I Mix 1 measured Cup each of baking soda and vinegar 

To clean all kitchen, bathroom, and other surfaces, and the toilet:

I mix 1 tbsp each of baking soda and vinegar and 4 drops each of organic orange, grapefruit, lemon, bergamot, and citronella essential oils and fresh squeezed lemon juice and let sit for a few minutes, then clean it up and wipe it down. I’ve been using this wonderful efficient natural herbal method for 30 years and it’s amazing and awesome. 

I love watching and listening to the mixture fizz.  I love seeing and smelling the wonderful, healthy, clean, refreshing, uplifting organic aromatherapy. 

This is 1 of my favorite elements of holistic, herbal, organic wellness green cleaning.  Cleaning is very cathartic therapy for me.  It helps me feel better and wonderful and it lifts my Spirits and inspires me.  I’m very grateful for Mother Nature’s abundant healing love plant wellness medicine.  I cherish and treasure her abundant healing herbs and essential oils and beauty. 

Dayna Colvin

Holistic Organic Writer

Dayna Colvin is a holistic natural living self-care writer. She hopes to inspire her readers with her writing to make healthy holistic self-care choices and enjoy a very small carbon footprint on Mother Earth. She is a very active environmental advocate and animal rescue advocate. She and her husband live in the Pacific NW, USA and are happy thankful parents of an adorable little boy and share their home with 2 adorable sweet cats, their furry babies. You can reach her via email at permadeva at yahoo dot com. Dayna shares her ideas and thoughts about holistic organic self-care on her Holistic Organic Self-Care Blog:

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