NaturalNewsBlogs Travel Is Good For The Mind

Vacations are something we all look forward to every year. Unfortunately, in the United States, not only are many employees lucky to get a week or two off. It is the only developed country not to have a legal vacation requirement. Not surprisingly, the United States also has a very high incidence of mental illness. Taking time off to travel is very important and you will see why soon.

Can travel heal the mind?

A study by The Global Commission on Aging and Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies, suggests that it does. The study found that both men and women were at greater risk of higher stress levels which later could develop into physical health issues. Such as coronary disease for example.

There are numerous other mental wellness and emotional benefits to traveling.

Travel can strengthen relationships

According to traveling with a romantic partner has a number of positive effects.

They found:

Surveyed couples who travel together report higher levels of satisfaction with their relationships. Couples who travel together rated their relationship higher on every single factor.

Travel helps couples communicate better, and vacations are seen as an opportunity for “alone time” to improve lines of communication.

Relationships last longer among couples who travel together, and divorce rates are higher among couples who do not travel together.

In short, relationships can add stress or make a persons life better and travel helps to strengthen good relationships!

Travel makes you happy

It is a fact that traveling makes people happy. But it is true that even the anticipation of travel makes people happy! This study shows that simply purchasing a trip or vacation makes us happy, much happier than material purchases.

Travel helps your personality

People who travel to foreign companies have shown to adapt their personality. In addition, these people have also shown that you are less affected by small day to day changes, improve your emotional stability and helps with social acceptance of other people. You can see the study here.

Travel does not have to be expensive

After time, money can be a severely limiting factor on how often or how far a person or couple might be able to travel.

However, in this day and age of information it has become much easier to find value. Sometimes choosing to go during off season might be a way to get a discount trip. Other times, you may agree to a timeshare presentation to get a significant discount on a resort.

Finally, there is nothing wrong with planning a trip far in advance. Not only might you get a much better rate but you can set aside money slowly for the trip!

There is no downside to travel

If you have the time and money, traveling is one of the best things you can do for yourself. It doesn’t have to be expensive, its rekindles relationships, its good for the mind, makes you a more open person and relieves stress.

So what are you waiting for?


Hi I’m Pete and I just like to to write about health, fitness and sports!

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