New Conversations for Changing Times (Part 2 of the Cannabis Webinar Series)

During this training, preventionists will be called to shift their approach in response to the changing cannabis policy and industry landscape. The times have changed, and so must our conversations in the community. An overview of marketing trends will be provided, which have moved far beyond selling a “high”, to selling a lifestyle, a path to natural health and wellness, and any mood/experience/delivery method of the consumer’s choosing. Further, the importance of staying informed about marketing trends and some strategies for doing so, will be highlighted. Additionally, a framework for selecting messages/materials available for the prevention field will be offered. Preventionists have moved from the need to be content creators, and now must be expert curators. Lastly, an emphasis will be placed on audience analysis and editing, too! The goal is for participants to build confidence and skills for more effective conversations about cannabis.

Presented by: Jamie Comstock and Robin Carr, Info Inspired, LLC
