New Corporate Wellness Program and Screening in Denver, Colorado

In the movie, Minority Report starring Tom Cruz that debuted back in 2002, the opening scene shows a futuristic police raid on a murderer before he is even able to carry out a murder. In the movie, certain individuals who possess certain talents are used systematically to prevent homicides and crimes before they are actually occur.

After 20 years of practicing oncology, internal medicine, and hematology… we thought, why can’t we do the same thing as it relates to an individual’s health and personal risk? Why can’t we prevent or catch certain diseases and illnesses early enough to reverse them from ever happening in the first place?

After a number of years of practicing medicine… we have come to a point where we can… and it’s changing everything.

The last 5 – 10 years has really brought about a significant intersection of new medical knowledge and healthtech that now allows us to screen for cancers, heart diseases, the state of one’s microbiome, one’s brain health, risks associated with one’s individual genetics, and many other diseases like never before.

1 in 2 Americans will get heart disease. This is the biggest killer in the United States. Followed by cancer, which will be an issue that a further 1 in 2 American men, and 1 in 3 women will ultimately be challenged with. These rates are steadily climbing and remain the second biggest cause of death in the United States.

Both of these diseases as well as the remaining 10 most common diseases in the U.S., not to mention an individual’s mental and psychoemotional health can cost both an individual and business separately tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars in out of pocket costs, significant sick leaves, absences, layoffs, project delays and cancellations, lack of productivity, stress, and in the case of cancer and other critical diseases, 6 to 12 months where an individual can’t work.

By not addressing each employee’s personal risk and health, businesses leave their employees and teams vulnerable.

Businesses risk losing current and future talent, delays or cancellations with projects, and risk declining overall team and individual happiness and productivity.

We’ve spent 20 years getting to a point where we can solve this riddle.

Preventive Medicine and Cancer Care is now at a place where we are 14 times more effective at catching or preventing these diseases than traditional medicine, and we want to empower the Denver workforce with the right knowledge, mental tools, the physical tools, and the screening technologies to make a tantamount shift in Denver’s workplaces and communities.

We’ve developed the Longevity program to be education-rich, information-rich, cost-effective and value-rich along with the right screening modalities to effectively give teams in Denver the ability to catch and reverse things like cancer, heart disease, critical diseases, brain-health issues, and a number of other lurking health dangers.

We invite you to learn more about how you can partner with us to prevent and catch disease and address personal health risk with our new corporate wellness program, called the Longevity Program:

Find Out Your Personal CRS Score:
